1.7 Server Responses (RFC Section 7)

1.7.1 Status Responses (RFC Section 7.1)

This section defines the general response codes. For specific information about optional response codes, see the following:

The defined general response codes include the following:


Two ALERT responses are returned (see Alerts).


No NEWNAME responses are returned because GroupWise does not keep track of the prior name for a mailbox.


No PARSE responses are returned.


Full compliance. The PERMANENTFLAGS list includes the special flag "\*", which indicates it is possible to create new keywords.


Full compliance.


All mailboxes are opened in read-write mode.


Full compliance.


Full compliance. A unique identifier validity value is assigned to each mailbox.


Full compliance.

No untagged X responses are returned, except as a response to a GroupWise extension (see GroupWise Extensions).

OK Response (RFC Section 7.1.1)

Full compliance.

NO Response (RFC Section 7.1.2)

Full compliance.

If the command cannot be processed, NO is returned. Where possible, the response includes a GroupWise specific error message or number. For possible errors and their descriptions, see GroupWise Error Message.

BAD Response (RFC Section 7.1.3)

Full compliance.

If the command is issued in the wrong state or a malformed expression is detected, BAD is returned. An informational string is usually included in the response.

PREAUTH Response (RFC Section 7.1.4)

Pre-authenticated connections are not supported.

BYE Response (RFC Section 7.1.5)

Full compliance.

The BYE response is returned as a result of a LOGOUT command or if the IMAP agent shuts down. The connection is disconnected by the LOGOUT command, except when returning to the Trusted Application Authenticated state.

1.7.2 Server and Mailbox Status (RFC Section 7.2)

For specific information about subsections, see the following:

CAPABILITY Response (RFC Section 7.2.1)

Full compliance.

STARTTLS is included in the CAPABILITY response.

XGWEXTENSIONS is included in the GroupWise IMAP agent's CAPABILITY response.

LIST Response (RFC Section 7.2.2)

Full compliance.

The four name attributes (\Noinferiors, \Noselect, \Marked, and \Unmarked) are all supported.

The mailboxes flagged as \Noselect are not returned by the LIST command.

The \Marked flag is used to indicate the mailbox has unread messages in it, otherwise it is flagged as \Unmarked. If the mailbox is the GroupWise predefined CALENDAR folder, \Marked indicates there are appointments scheduled for today (which is the current GroupWise definition of interesting).

The hierarchy delimiter character for GroupWise is "/".

LSUB Response (RFC Section 7.2.3)

Full compliance.

The four name attributes (\Noinferiors, \Noselect, \Marked, and \Unmarked) are all supported.

The \Marked flag is used to indicate the mailbox has unread messages in it, otherwise it is flagged as \Unmarked. If the mailbox is the GroupWise predefined CALENDAR folder, \Marked indicates there are appointments scheduled for today (which is the current GroupWise definition of interesting).

The hierarchy delimiter character for GroupWise is "/".

STATUS Response (RFC Section 7.2.4)

Full compliance.

SEARCH Response (RFC Section 7.2.5)

Full compliance.

FLAGS Response (RFC Section 7.2.6)

Full compliance.

1.7.3 Mailbox Size (RFC Section 7.3)

For specific information about subsections, see the following:

EXISTS Response (RFC Section 7.3.1)

Partial compliance.

The only time EXISTS responses are returned by the GroupWise IMAP agents is in response to the following commands: NOOP, SELECT, and EXAMINE. GroupWise does not send unilateral untagged EXISTS responses.

RECENT Response (RFC Section 7.3.2)

Partial compliance.

The only time RECENT responses are returned by the GroupWise IMAP agents is in response to the following commands: NOOP, SELECT, and EXAMINE. GroupWise does not send unilateral untagged RECENT responses.

1.7.4 Message Status (RFC Section 7.4)

For specific information about subsections, see the following:

EXPUNGE Response (RFC Section 7.4.1)

Partial compliance.

The untagged EXPUNGE response is returned by the GroupWise IMAP agents in response to the EXPUNGE or NOOP command. GroupWise does not send unilateral untagged EXPUNGE responses.

EXPUNGE responses are ordered lower to higher.

FETCH Response (RFC Section 7.4.2)

Partial compliance.

The untagged FETCH response is returned by the GroupWise IMAP agents in response to the FETCH, STORE, or NOOP commands. GroupWise does not send unilateral untagged FETCH responses.

1.7.5 Command Continuation Request (RFC Section 7.5)

Full compliance.

GroupWise IMAP agents use the "+" continuation character as part of the XGWTRUSTEDAPP authentication sequence.