A.2 Command Line Mode

The command line mode allows you to use script or batch files. The Table A-7 contains the different options that are available.

To use the command line options, decide which items you want to use and string them together.

Example: dxcmd -user admin.headquarters -host -password n0vell -start test.driverset.headquarters

This example command starts the driver.

Table A-7 Command Line Options





-user <user name>

Specify the name of a user with administrative rights to the drivers you want to test.

-host <name or IP address>

Specify the IP address of the server where the driver is installed.

-password <user password>

Specify the password of the user specified above.

-port <port number>

Specify a port number, if the default port is not used.

-q <quiet mode>

Displays very little information when a command is executed.

-v <verbose mode>

Displays detailed information when a command is executed.

-? <show this message>

Displays the help menu.

-help <show this message>

Displays the help menu.



-start <driver dn>

Starts the driver.

-stop <driver dn>

Stops the driver.

-getstate <driver dn>

Shows the state of the driver as running or stopped.

-getstartoption <driver dn>

Shows the startup option of the driver.

-setstartoption <driver dn> <disabled|manual|auto> <resync|noresync>

Sets how the driver starts if the server is rebooted. Sets if the objects are to be resynchronized when the driver restarts.

-getcachelimit <driver dn>

Lists the cache limit set for the driver.

-setcachelimit <driver dn> <0 or positive integer>

Sets the cache limit for the driver.

-migrateapp <driver dn> <filename>

Processes an XML document that contains a query command.

Create the XML document that contains a query command by using the Novell nds.dtd.

-setshimpassword <driver dn> <password>

Sets the application password. This is the password of the user account you are using to authenticate into the connected system with.

-clearshimpassword <driver dn> <password>

Clears the application password.

-setremoteloaderpassword <driver dn> <password>

Sets the Remote Loader password.

The Remote Loader password is used to control access to the Remote Loader instance.

<clearremoteloaderpassword <driver dn>

Clears the Remote Loader password.

-sendcommand <driver dn> <input filename> <output filename>

Processes an XDS command document.

Specify the XDS command document as the input file.


NetWare: sys:\files\user.xml

Windows: c:\files\user.xml

Linux: /files/user.log

Specify the output file name to see the results.


NetWare: sys:\files\user.log

Windows: c:\files\user.log

Linux: /files/user.log

-setlogevents <dn> <integer ...>

Sets Novell Audit log events on the driver. The integer is the option of the item to log. See Table A-6 for the list of the integers to enter.

-clearlogevents <dn>

Clears all Novell Audit log events that are set on the driver.

-setdriverset <driver set dn>

Associates a driver set with the server.


Clears the driver set association from the server.


Shows the version of Identity Manager installed.

-initdriver object <dn>

Performs an internal initialization of data on a new Driver object. This is only for testing purposes.

-setnamedpassword <driver dn> <name> <password> [description]

Sets named passwords on the driver object. You specify the name, the password and the description of the named password.

-clearnamedpassword <driver dn> <name>

Clears a specified named password.

-clearallnamedpaswords <driver dn>

Clears all named passwords set on a specific driver.