3.0 Upgrading the Driver

If you have been using a previous version of the driver, follow these instructions instead of the ones in Section 4.0, Installing the Driver.

The Identity Manager 3.0.1 engine is backward compatible with the Identity Manager 2.0.1 and DirXML 1.1a SIF driver shim and driver configuration. We recommend that you upgrade Identity Manager and the SIF driver at the same time. The SIF driver and configuration are tightly coupled. Both must be used together.

  1. Review and record the Driver Parameters for the existing Driver object so you can use the same settings when configuring the new driver.

    Review and record the Global Config Values for the existing driver so you can use the same setting when configuring the new driver.

  2. Stop your existing SIF driver as explained in Starting, Stopping, or Restarting a Driverin the Novell Identity Manager 3.0.1 Administration Guide.

  3. Set the driver Startup Option to Manual.

  4. As a backup, export the existing driver configuration to a file.

  5. Upgrade to Identity Manager, as described in the Upgrading section in the Identity Manager 3.0.1 Installation Guide.

  6. Install the driver shim for the Identity Manager Driver for SIF 1.5.

  7. Import the new sample driver configuration onto your existing driver using the Import Driver Wizard in iManager.

    IMPORTANT:It’s important to import the configuration onto your existing driver object, to preserve associations.

  8. Configure the driver using the Global Config Values page, as explained in Section 5.1, Creating and Configuring the Driver.

    Refer to the values you were using for the driver previously, as noted in Step 1.

  9. Test the driver.

    For testing, specify the Poll rate in seconds field to a short period, such as 15 seconds.

  10. In the driver properties, set the driver Startup Option to Auto start, and set the Poll rate in seconds to 900 seconds (default value).