Package com.novell.sentinel.uri

Interface Summary
UriConstructor Interface to allow REST services to construct URIs on behalf of DataObject serialization for REST.
UriConstructorFactory Factory interface for obtaining a URL constructor that can be used to build (during serialization) complete URLs that refer to DataObjects.
UriDeconstructor Interface to allow REST services to deconstruct URIs on behalf of DataObject deserialization.
UriDeconstructorFactory Factory interface for obtaining a URI deconstructor that can be used to examine (during deserialization) complete URIs that refer to DataObjects.

Class Summary
GenericURI A class for parsing and rendering URIs as described by RFC 3986.
GenericURI.Authority A class that manages the authority component of a URI.
GenericURI.FormQuery A class used to parse, store, and output information from the query component of a URI that is interpreted as of the media type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
GenericURI.Fragment A class used to parse and output the fragment component of a URI.
GenericURI.Path A class used to parse and store path segments of the path component of a URI.
GenericURI.Query A class supported the generic query string specified by RFC 3986.
PercentCodex Class for encoding and decoding URI components.
UriConstructorFactoryImpl Basic implementation of UriConstructorFactory.
UriDeconstructorFactoryImpl Basic implementation of UriDeconstructorFactor.