Path: Port 9443 Appliance Console > Online Update icon
Table 6-1 Using the Online Update dialog
Field, Option, or Button |
Information and/or Action |
Online Update (Automatic Update Schedule: X) |
Register Online Update Service dialog |
This is a server from where you can download the software updates and automatically install them to update the product.
Update service: X |
Update Now tab |
View Info tab |
Register tab |
Refresh tab |
The Online Update schedule is not rigidly set and followed. Rather, it is dynamically updated to maintain as closely as possible, the interval between checks that you specify.
When an update check can’t happen at the scheduled time for any reason, the system waits and checks as soon as it can.
When the check succeeds, the system schedules the next check at the current time on the next day, week, or month, depending on the interval currently specified.
Within 15 minutes after you apply one of the recurring Schedule options (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly), the appliance downloads and installs the level of patches you have chosen (either All or Security-only).
As long as
You don’t change the Schedule interval
The system is able to immediately handle events when they occur
Then update checking happens at approximately the same time of day and at the interval you originally specified (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly).
For example, if you schedule Weekly downloads on a Monday morning and you apply your settings at 10 a.m., then the appliance will check for patches every Monday at 10 a.m., downloading and installing any new patches that match the patch level you selected.
You can only have one active schedule interval at a time.
After you have set a schedule interval, if you choose a different interval, it becomes active. Previously configured intervals are deactivated. Interval configurations are retained, but they aren’t in effect.
Continuing the previous example, let’s say that on Wednesday you decide that checking for updates weekly is not frequent enough, so you change the frequency to Daily and apply the change at 1 p.m.
Within 15 minutes, the appliance checks for new updates. Then the following day (Thursday) at ~1 p.m., it checks again, and so on.
If you subsequently decide to go back to Weekly updates, the Daily schedule is deactivated and the Weekly schedule resumes exactly as it was before the change to Daily. In other words, if nothing has affected the Weekly schedule as originally specified, it would run the next Monday morning at 10 a.m.
If an update event cannot run at the scheduled interval for any reason, such as the appliance being down, the system waits until it can run the job and then runs it immediately.
Continuing with the example above, let’s say that before you leave on Friday afternoon, you decide to return to Weekly update checks, so you change the schedule interval option.
As stated above, the expectation would be for the update check to happen the next Monday at 10 a.m. However, it turns out that Monday is a holiday, and the Facilities group shuts down all of the systems for maintenance on Friday night.
When the appliance comes back online at 4 a.m. Tuesday morning, it immediately performs an update check and then adjusts the schedule for the next check to occur the following Tuesday morning at 4 a.m.
The recurring update-check interval is always maintained as closely as possible.