Package com.novell.xsl.pattern

Interface Summary
Pattern Interface describing XSLT Pattern behavior.

Class Summary
AbsolutePathPattern Implements part of the XSLT LocationPathPattern production.
IdKeyPattern This class implements the IdKeyPattern construct in XSLT patterns
NodeTestPattern Implements the functionality of a NodeTest in an XSLT Pattern.
OrPattern Implements XSLT functionality for production: [1] Pattern ::= Pattern '|' LocationPathPattern
Parser Parser for XSLT Patterns
PatternNodeType Class that represents a node() test in an XSLT Pattern This exists because of the need to not match the root node and attribute nodes since "node()" is really short for child::node, and the root node, attributes, and namespace nodes don't appear in the child axis
RelativePathPattern Implements the following XSLT Pattern constructions: [4] RelativePathPattern
StepPattern Implements a single step in an XSLT RelativePathPattern.

Exception Summary
PatternParserException Exception class for XSLT Pattern Parser.