Package com.novell.xsl.result

Interface Summary
DOMResult Interface to be implemented by ResultHandlers that create a DOM tree from the result tree.
ResultHandler The interface through which result trees are built.
Serializer An interface implemented by ResultHandlers that serialize the result tree as a sequence of bytes

Class Summary
DefaultSerializer A class that implements the default serializer behavior: i.e., it decides to use XML or HTML based on the rules described in the XSLT spec
DOMResultHandler A result handler that builds a DOM Level 1 result tree.
FragmentHandler A Class that creates result fragments
HTMLSerializer Class to implement "html" output method of xsl:output element
SAXResultHandler Result handler for the NXSL processor that passes on result tree events as SAX events.
SerializerImpl Base implementation for Serializer implementations
SerializerOptions A class to hold XSLT serializer options that correspond to the xsl:output element attributes
TextResultHandler A result handler that returns the concatenation of a result tree's text nodes.
TextSerializer Class to serialize the result tree text nodes without any XML escaping This implements the
XMLSerializer Class to output the XSLT result tree as a sequence of bytes representing the result tree as serialized XML This implements the

Exception Summary
AttributeAfterChildException Thrown by a ResultHandler when an attempt is made to add an attribute to an element after children have already been added.
IllegalNameException Thrown by a ResultHandler when an illegal name is encountered.
IllegalNodeException Thrown by a ResultHandler when an attempt is made to add a node to another node that cannot contain it.
ResultException Thrown by a ResultHandler when an error occurs while building the result tree.