
Class Summary
NPKI_AltName Specifies an X.509 subject alternative name extension to be encoded with the certifcate.
NPKI_ASN1_Extensions Specifies one or more generic ASN.1 encoded extensions to add to the certificate.
NPKI_CertChain Certificate chain for use by verifyCertChain.
NPKI_Certificate NPKI_Certificate is used to hold a certificate that is part of a chain that is passed to verifyCertChain.
NPKI_CertificateName Specifies what certificates and the behavior of NPKIAPI.CreateDefaultCertificates.
NPKI_CertificateNamesList Used in conjuction with NPKIAPI.CreateDefaultCertificates to specify the list of certificates to be created and to return the list of certificates that were created.
NPKI_crl Object for managing certificate revocation lists (CRL).
NPKI_crlCacheContext Establishes context for cached certificate revocation lists.
NPKI_crlList Helper class that contains a list of CRLs for other NPKI Java classes to consume.
NPKI_Error Holds the error codes for a certificate generated during verification.
NPKI_ErrorList List of success and error codes generated when verifing a certificate chain.
NPKI_ExtAltNames The x.509 subject alternative name extension is used to specify additional identities to be bound to the subject of the certificate (i.e., other names that identify the object).
NPKI_Extension Specifies any generic ASN.1 encoded extensions to add during the creation of server and user certificates.
NPKIAPI Establishes methods and protocols to implement a certificate authority (CA) that issues, stores, and manages digital certificates.
NPKITcache Creates a cache which can be used to store PKI elements for example certificates, wrapped private keys, etc.
NPKITcertificate This class can be used to create PKCS#10 CSRs (Certificate Signing Requests), self-signed certificates, and their matching wrapped private keys.
NPKITcrl The NPKITcrl class provides the Certificate Revocation List functions that extend the NPKIToolbox API.
NPKIToolbox Provides the Java interface for NPKIT, the public key infrastructure (PKI) services to manage and access X.509 certificates.
NPKITverify Used to perform certificate validation.
NPKITx509 Decodes various parts of an x.509 certificate.
NPKITx509CertList Manages an X.509 certificate list.
OSUtil The OSUtil class provides methods and utilities to help in dealing with the differences between operating systems.

Exception Summary
NPKI_Exception Defines the PKI Exception class.