A.0 Revision History

The following table outlines all the changes that have been made to the Classes for Java and JNDI Providers documentation (in reverse chronological order) since May 1999.

NDK Release

Description of Changes

March 1, 2006

Updated links to sample code and fixed links in Javadoc.

October 5, 2005

Transitioned to revised Novell documentation standards.

March 2, 2005

Added the About This Guide section.

Updated the links to the Java site for the Java Technology Products Download Archive.

October 6, 2004

For legal reasons, removed references to the following samples: SearchTreeNode, NameClassCompare, AttributeCompare, AttributeFrame, and ContextTreeNode.

June 9, 2004

Added dependency on NLM and NetWare Libraries for C to the Preface.

Fixed link to the SendNCPExtReq.java sample from NCP Extensions Samples.

February 18, 2004

Removed sections that were only place holders for additional information.

October 8, 2003

Updated templates and table sizes. Doesn't need to be rebuilt for this.

March 2003

Combined documentation for both the Clientless and Client version into one document.

September 2002

Changed "NDSObject" references to "NdsObject" in NDS Provider Components.

February 2002

Changed book title from "Novell Class Libraries for Java" to "Classes for Java and JNDI Providers (NJCL)". Updated documentation to reflect this change.

Added initial context table to Initial Context.

Reorganized JNDI Object Naming and added information about the relationship between object naming and the initial context used. Added File System Namespace.

Added information about using NAS login to Authentication Services.

September 2001

Made changes to improve document accessibility and added text alternatives to figures.

February 2001

Added information about the Remote Session Manager. Added information about the clientless version of NJCL in About This Guide.

July 2000

Fixed several broken link problems in Javadoc API Reference Guide and in Developer's Guide. Added and corrected Javadoc comments in two NetWare File System classes: DirectorySpaceInformation and VolumeRestriction.

May 2000

Fixed several broken links in Javadoc API Reference Guide. Corrected several dead-end links in Tasks chapter of Developer's Guide.

March 2000

Added an NJCL and JNDI Solutions chapter to the Developer's Guide documentation by taking existing documentation on four demo utilities from the Sample Source Code chapter, and then added a fifth section consisting of links to a Developer Net University tutorial. Added two new packages to Javadoc API documentation: NDS Naming Package and NetWare File System Naming Package. Revised the QMS Naming Package.

January 2000

Made some revisions to the NJCL and JNDI Tasks chapter. Made corrections in links to Javadoc API documentation that were broken as a result of converting from Javadoc v1.1 to v1.2. Fixed numerous links in the Javadoc API documentation that were broken as a result of the conversion from Javadoc v1.1 to v1.2.

November 1999

Revised the NetWare File System Provider section in the Novell Services chapter of the Developer's Guide. Added 11 new graphics to the Novell Services chapter. Edited all Javadoc comments for the NetWare File System package and Novell Java IO package files. Converted Javadoc from v1.1 to v1.2 resulting in numerous broken links in both Javadoc comments and Developer's Guide documentation. Manually fixed as many broken links as able to find.

September 1999

Revised the NDAP Provider for Novell Directory Services (NDS) section in the Novell Services chapter of the Developer's Guide. Edited Javadoc comments in all files of the services.nw, services.ncpext, services.server, services.bindery and services.ldap packages.

July 1999

Revised the Authentication, Bindery, LDAP, NetWare, NCPExtensions, QMS, Server, and Session Manager sections in the Novell Services chapter of the Developer's Guide.

June 1999

Reorganized navigation links for the entire Developer's Guide documentation. Rewrote the preface and overview chapters. Reorganized and rewrote much of the Concepts chapter (previously the Architecture and Glossary chapters), and added 8 new graphics. Reorganized and revised the NJCL and JNDI Tasks chapter. Reorganized the links to the sample source code and the sample demo utilities.