8.3 Preparing Remote Shares for Use in a Pair

In an Active Directory environment, Dynamic File Services allows you to use a remote share as the secondary path in a file. A remote share must be published in Active Directory before you can specify it as the secondary path in a pair. To do this, you must share the folder as a network share, publish the remote share in Active Directory, then add the Dynamic File Services Storage Rights group to the share and grant it all permissions.

IMPORTANT:For requirements and guidelines for using remote pairs, see Section 4.9, Using Remote Shares in an Active Directory Domain.

8.3.1 Creating a Network Share on the Remote Device

  1. On the remote device, locate the folder you want to use as the secondary path.

  2. Right-click the folder, then choose Sharing.

  3. Configure the share properties as needed to control access to the share.

  4. If the share resides on an NTFS volume, configure the NTFS permissions for the share and any subfolders to fine-tune security as needed.

  5. Continue with Section 8.3.2, Publishing the Remote Share.

8.3.2 Publishing the Remote Share

After the folder is shared on the remote device, you can publish it in Active Directory.

  1. Open the Active Directory Users And Computers tool on the server that will host your primary path.

  2. Select the Computers link to view the member servers in your Active Directory environment.

  3. Locate the container in which you want to publish the folder, right-click the container, and choose New > Shared Folder.

  4. Specify the resource name.

    The resource name is the name by which the shared folder is listed in the folder and the name Dynamic File Services sees when it accesses the folder.

  5. Specify the share name in UNC form, such as \\servername\sharename.

  6. Verify that publishing the share worked:

    Net Use a drive to the server with the remote share.

    net use * \\servername\sharename
  7. Continue with Section 8.3.3, Adding the Dynamic File Services Storage Rights Group to the Remote Share.

8.3.3 Adding the Dynamic File Services Storage Rights Group to the Remote Share

After you create the remote share and publish it in Active Directory, you must add the Dynamic File Services Storage Rights group to the remote share and grant the group all permissions. Alternately, you can use the NDFS-<servername> proxy user described in Section 4.4.4, Security Implications of the Default Domain Configuration.

  1. In the Active Directory Users and Computers tool, add the Dynamic File Services Storage Rights group to the remote share.

  2. Grant the group all permissions.