13.1 Viewing the Pair Statistics

The Dynamic File Service scans each pair hourly and reports information about the pair’s status, such as statistics for the last policy that was run and the status of policies assigned to a pair. This information can be viewed in the pair’s Statistics dialog box. Each pair’s Statistics dialog box opens in a separate window.

  1. In the Management Console, connect to the DynamicFS server that you want to manage.

  2. In the left panel, select the Pairs folder to view the list of pairs in the right panel.

  3. Double-click the pair name to open its Statistics dialog box.

  4. On the General tab, view the status of the pair and the statistics for the last policy run.

    The Pair Status area reports the following information. If a scan is currently running, the Current Status bar shows activity for that policy run.



    Current status

    Provides the status of whether a scan is currently running against the pair, or if it is idle.

    Last run task

    Indicates whether the last scan was initiated by a health check, a manual policy run of selected policies, or a scheduled run of selected policies.

    Start time

    Specifies the date and time that the last scan was started.

    Elapsed time

    Specifies the time elapsed for the scan in hours, minutes, and seconds.

    Files scanned

    Specifies the number of files scanned across both the primary and secondary locations.

    Files moved

    Specifies the number of files that are waiting to be moved.

    Total KB moved

    Specifies the combined size of the files that are waiting to be moved.

  5. View information about the policies that are associated with the pair.

    The Policies associated to pair area lists the policies that are associated with the pair and reports the following information about them:




    Specifies the name given to the policy by the administrator.


    Indicates the current status of the policy, such as Idle or Running.

    Last run

    Specifies the date (MM/DD/YYYY) and time (HH:MM:SS AM or PM) that the policy was last run.

    Elapsed time

    Specifies the elapsed time for the scan in hours, minutes, and seconds.

  6. Continue with the following tasks to view more statistical information for the pair: