Using the eMBox Client to Perform Schema Operations

The eDirectory Management Toolbox (eMBox) Client is a command line Java client that gives you remote access to DSSchema operations. You can use the DSSchema eMTool to synchronize schema, import remote schema, declare a new schema epoch, reset the local schema, and perform a global schema update (operations normally performed using DSRepair. For more information, see Maintaining the Schema.).

The emboxclient.jar file is installed on your server as part of eDirectory. You can run it on any machine with a JVM. For more information on the eMBox Client, see Using the eMBox Command Line Client.

Using the DSSchema eMTool

  1. Run the eMBox Client in interactive mode by entering the following at the command line:

    java -cp path_to_the_file/emboxclient.jar embox -i

    (If you have already put the emboxclient.jar file in your class path, you only need to enter java embox -i.)

    The eMBox Client prompt appears:

    eMBox Client>
  2. Log in to the server you want to repair by entering the following:

    login -sserver_name_or_IP_address -pport_number
    -uusername.context -wpassword -n

    The port number is usually 80 or 8008, unless you have a Web server that is already using the port. The -n option opens a nonsecure connection.

    The eMBox Client indicates whether the login is successful.

  3. Enter a repair command, using the following syntax:

    dsschema.task options

    For example:

    dsschema.rst requests the master replica of the root of the tree to synchronize its schema to this server.

    dsschema.irs -nMyTree imports remote schema from the tree named MyTree.

    A space must be between each switch. The order of the switches is not important.

    The eMBox Client will indicate whether the repair is successful.

    See DSSchema eMTool Options for more information on the DSSchema eMTool options.

  4. Log out from the eMBox Client by entering the following command:


  5. Exit the eMBox Client by entering the following command:


DSSchema eMTool Options

The following tables lists the DSSchema eMTool options. You can also use the list -tdsschema command in the eMBox Client to list the DSSchema options with details. See Listing eMTools and Their Services for more information.

Option Description


Synchronizes the schema of the master replica of the root of the tree to this server.

irs -ntree_name

Imports remote schema from another tree.


Declares a new schema epoch on the server that holds the master replica of root.


Resets the local schema with a copy from the server with the master replica of the root partition.


Performs a global schema update to Post NetWare 5 level.


Adds schema circular containment rules for the Domain class.