Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

Interface InitialReferencesService

All Superinterfaces:

public interface InitialReferencesService
extends Object

The Initial References Service (IRS) is an API for setting and getting initial references. It allows you to publish local objects, as well as objects that will be visible via the bootstrap protocol to others. It also allows you to get the InitialReferences object for arbitrary server running on the network so that you can list or get its initial references.

The InitialReferencesService is locality constrained and can be retrieved from the ORB using the ORB.resolve_initial_references method with "InitialReferencesService" as the argument.

  // get the initial references object
  InitialReferencesService insService = (InitialReferencesService) orb.
  InitialReferences initialRefs = insService.getInitialReferences(
      "", 2506);

Method Summary
 void bind(String name, Object object, boolean local)
          Bind an Object Refernce in the local InitialReferences Registry.
 InitialReferences getInitialReferences(Object object)
          Get the InitialReferences interface for the given Object Reference.
 InitialReferences getInitialReferences(String iiopURL)
          Get the InitialReferences object from the given server.
 InitialReferences getInitialReferences(String host, int port)
          Get the InitialReferences interface for the given host, port.
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CORBA.Object
_create_request, _create_request, _duplicate, _get_domain_managers, _get_interface_def, _get_policy, _hash, _is_a, _is_equivalent, _non_existent, _release, _request, _set_policy_override

Method Detail


public InitialReferences getInitialReferences(Object object)
Get the InitialReferences interface for the given Object Reference.


public InitialReferences getInitialReferences(String iiopURL)
Get the InitialReferences object from the given server. The IIOP URLs are expressed as iiopboot://<host>:<port>, or iiopboot://<host>, where the port defaults to 2506.

The host can be a host name or an IP address.

iiopURL - URL for the server
the InitialReferences object for the server


public InitialReferences getInitialReferences(String host,
                                              int port)
Get the InitialReferences interface for the given host, port.


public void bind(String name,
                 Object object,
                 boolean local)
Bind an Object Refernce in the local InitialReferences Registry.

name - name of the object
object - the CORBA object to bind as an initial reference
local - if true then the binding can be obtained over IIOP using the iiopboot and iioploc protocols.

Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

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