Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1
Interface AuthCallback

public interface AuthCallback

Client side callback used by the ORB to get the SecurityContext for an invocation.

Method Summary
 SecurityContext getInitialContextToken(String realm, boolean required)
          When invoking an object that supports client authentication, or Identity Assertion, the ORB will call this interface if it does not find a SecurityContext in place.

Method Detail


public SecurityContext getInitialContextToken(String realm,
                                              boolean required)
                                       throws SecurityException
When invoking an object that supports client authentication, or Identity Assertion, the ORB will call this interface if it does not find a SecurityContext in place.

realm - the realm specified by the secure object
required - the callback is required to return a SecurityContext
the SecurityContext to use for this invocation

Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

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