Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

Package org.omg.CosNaming

Provides the CORBA Name Service interfaces.


Interface Summary
BindingIterator The BindingIterator interface allows a client to iterate through the binding using next_one, and next_n operations.
BindingIteratorOperations The BindingIterator interface allows a client to iterate through the binding using next_one, and next_n operations.
NamingContext A naming context is an object that contains a set of name bindings in which each name is unique.
NamingContextExt The NamingContextExt interface derived from NamingContext provides the operations requires to use URLs and stringified names.
NamingContextExtOperations The NamingContextExt interface derived from NamingContext provides the operations requires to use URLs and stringified names.

Class Summary
_BindingIteratorImplBase Stream based Skeleton for BindingIterator
_BindingIteratorStub Stub for BindingIterator
_NamingContextExtImplBase Stream based Skeleton for NamingContextExt
_NamingContextExtStub Stub for NamingContextExt
_NamingContextImplBase Stream based Skeleton for NamingContext
_NamingContextStub Stub for NamingContext
Binding A binding is represented as a Name and a binding type.
BindingHelper Helper for Binding
BindingHolder Holder for Binding
BindingIteratorHelper Helper for BindingIterator
BindingIteratorHolder Holder for BindingIterator
BindingListHelper Helper for BindingList
BindingListHolder Holder for BindingList
BindingType There are two types of bindings.
BindingTypeHelper Helper for BindingType
BindingTypeHolder Holder for BindingType
IstringHelper Helper for Istring
NameComponent Many of the operations defined on a naming context take names as parameters.
NameComponentHelper Helper for NameComponent
NameComponentHolder Holder for NameComponent
NameHelper Helper for Name
NameHolder Holder for Name
NamingContextExtHelper Helper for NamingContextExt
NamingContextExtHolder Holder for NamingContextExt
NamingContextHelper Helper for NamingContext
NamingContextHolder Holder for NamingContext

Package org.omg.CosNaming Description

Provides the CORBA Name Service interfaces.

Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

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