Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

Class Servant

  extended byorg.omg.PortableServer.Servant
Direct Known Subclasses:
ActivationSystemPOA, ControlPOA, CoordinatorPOA, CurrentPOA, DynamicImplementation, NamingContextPOA, RecoveryCoordinatorPOA, ResourcePOA, SubtransactionAwareResourcePOA, SynchronizationPOA, TerminatorPOA, TransactionalObjectPOA, TransactionFactoryPOA

public abstract class Servant
extends Object

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  String[] _all_interfaces(POA poa, byte[] oid)
          Get all the repository IDs.
 POA _default_POA()
          Get the Default POA - the Root POA.
 Delegate _get_delegate()
 ClassLoader _getClassLoader()
 boolean _is_a(String repositoryId)
 boolean _non_existent()
          Does the servant not exist.
 byte[] _object_id()
          Get the Object Id for the Object being invoked upon.
 ORB _orb()
          Get the ORB.
 void _orb(ORB orb)
          Set the ORB.
 POA _poa()
          Get the POA for the Object being invoked upon.
 void _set_delegate(Delegate delegate)
 ClassLoader _setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
 Object _this_object()
          Get the object reference for this servant.
 Object _this_object(ORB orb)
          Get the object reference for this servant.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Servant()
Method Detail


public final Delegate _get_delegate()


public final void _set_delegate(Delegate delegate)


public final Object _this_object()
Get the object reference for this servant.


public final Object _this_object(ORB orb)
Get the object reference for this servant.


public final ORB _orb()
Get the ORB.


public final void _orb(ORB orb)
Set the ORB.


public final POA _poa()
Get the POA for the Object being invoked upon.


public final byte[] _object_id()
Get the Object Id for the Object being invoked upon.


public POA _default_POA()
Get the Default POA - the Root POA.


public boolean _is_a(String repositoryId)


public boolean _non_existent()
Does the servant not exist.


public abstract String[] _all_interfaces(POA poa,
                                         byte[] oid)
Get all the repository IDs.


public ClassLoader _getClassLoader()


public ClassLoader _setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)

Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

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