Installation Guide

Chapter 7   Configuring Microsoft Access Databases

This chapter describes how to configure your Microsoft Access databases for use as a SilverMaster or application database within the SilverStream Application Server environment.

    For the latest information on supported database versions, see the SilverStream Application Server release notes. In Windows, you can access the release notes from the SilverStream program group or from SilverStream online help.

Setting up Microsoft Access databases   Top of page

SilverStream connects to Microsoft Access using the Microsoft Access ODBC driver. This driver is installed with Microsoft Access or Microsoft Office software.

    For more information about the driver, see the Microsoft Web site. The URL is

To configure an Microsoft Access database for use with SilverStream:

  1. Install the Microsoft Access driver onto the machine where the SilverStream Server resides

  2. Create the Microsoft Access database

  3. Install the SilverStream Server.

        For information, see Installing SilverStream on Windows.

Step 1: Install the Microsoft Access ODBC driver   Top of page

You must have the Microsoft Access ODBC driver software installed on the machine where the SilverStream Server will be. You must be able to connect to the destination Microsoft Access from the workstation that hosts the SilverStream Server.

Step 2: Create a Microsoft Access database   Top of page

Before you can install SilverStream, you must create the Microsoft Access database.

To create the database:

  1. Install the Microsoft Access driver on the machine where the SilverStream Server will be.

  2. Create the Microsoft Access database using the Microsoft Access GUI tools:

  3. Create the ODBC data source for the newly created database.

Your Microsoft Access database is now ready to be used as a SilverMaster or as a SilverStream application database.

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