JavaTM 2 Platform
Standard Edition

Uses of Class

Packages that use Provider Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework. Provides classes and interfaces for parsing and managing certificates. 

Uses of Provider in

Methods in that return Provider
 Provider AlgorithmParameters.getProvider()
          Returns the provider of this parameter object.
 Provider SecureRandom.getProvider()
          Returns the provider of this SecureRandom object.
 Provider MessageDigest.getProvider()
          Returns the provider of this message digest object.
 Provider KeyPairGenerator.getProvider()
          Returns the provider of this key pair generator object.
 Provider AlgorithmParameterGenerator.getProvider()
          Returns the provider of this algorithm parameter generator object.
 Provider KeyStore.getProvider()
          Returns the provider of this keystore.
 Provider KeyFactory.getProvider()
          Returns the provider of this key factory object.
static Provider[] Security.getProviders()
          Returns an array containing all the installed providers.
static Provider Security.getProvider(String name)
          Returns the provider installed with the specified name, if any.
 Provider Signature.getProvider()
          Returns the provider of this signature object.

Methods in with parameters of type Provider
static int Security.insertProviderAt(Provider provider, int position)
          Adds a new provider, at a specified position.
static int Security.addProvider(Provider provider)
          Adds a provider to the next position available.

Constructors in with parameters of type Provider
AlgorithmParameters.AlgorithmParameters(AlgorithmParametersSpi paramSpi, Provider provider, String algorithm)
          Creates an AlgorithmParameters object.
SecureRandom.SecureRandom(SecureRandomSpi secureRandomSpi, Provider provider)
          Creates a SecureRandom object.
AlgorithmParameterGenerator.AlgorithmParameterGenerator(AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi paramGenSpi, Provider provider, String algorithm)
          Creates an AlgorithmParameterGenerator object.
KeyStore.KeyStore(KeyStoreSpi keyStoreSpi, Provider provider, String type)
          Creates a KeyStore object of the given type, and encapsulates the given provider implementation (SPI object) in it.
KeyFactory.KeyFactory(KeyFactorySpi keyFacSpi, Provider provider, String algorithm)
          Creates a KeyFactory object.

Uses of Provider in

Methods in that return Provider
 Provider CertificateFactory.getProvider()
          Returns the provider of this certificate factory.

Constructors in with parameters of type Provider
CertificateFactory.CertificateFactory(CertificateFactorySpi certFacSpi, Provider provider, String type)
          Creates a CertificateFactory object of the given type, and encapsulates the given provider implementation (SPI object) in it.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Standard Edition

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