Application Server 3.5


Contains classes that represent the page, all page controls, and applets, plugins, classes for enhancing the page with JavaScript, plus some page-specific events and listeners.


Interface Summary
AgiFileUploadListener Interface for listening for file upload events.
AgiHTMLViewListener Interface for listening for HTML View events.
AgiJavaScriptEnhanced Optional page control interface for controls that take advantage of JavaScript.
AgiPageActionListener Basic interface that all SilverStream pages implement.
AgiPageContainer AgiPageContainer is the base interface for all container classes.
AgiPageControl Basic interface that all page controls must implement.
AgiPageSubmitProcessor Interface for page controls that want to receive notification when their generated HTML causes a Submit.

Class Summary
AgpActiveObject AgpActiveObject is an optionally programmable object which represents an object in the Document Object Model (DOM).
AgpApplet AgpApplet is an optionally programmable object which represents a Java applet in the Document Object Model.
AgpBlock AgpBlock represents a block in a container.
AgpButton Base class for various button classes that fire page action events.
AgpButtonCheck HTML Checkbox control.
AgpButtonRadio HTML Radio button control.
AgpButtonText Basic HTML Submit button control.
AgpChoice HTML Choice dropdown control.
AgpContainer AgpContainer implements AgiPageContainer and serves as the base classes for the specific container classes, AgpTable, AgpViewPanel, AgpLayoutPanel and AgpTabPanel.
AgpControlBase Class that can be used to create custom page controls.
AgpControlHTMLUnitBase This is the base class for design-time objects for page controls.
AgpData This invisible control allows users access to a data set that is independent of the rest of the page.
AgpDataPrimary The AgpDataPrimary class provides access to the page's primary dataset.
AgpEventLinkEvent Custom event for event link page controls.
AgpFileUpload Control for uploading a file to the server from an HTML page.
AgpFileUploadEvent Custom event for FileUpload page controls.
AgpFrame AgpFrame is an optionally programmable object which represents an inline frame in the Document Object Model (DOM).
AgpHTMLControl The HTML control is the counterpart of the HTML edit control in the Java form environment.
AgpHTMLUndoable This class allows a custom control to provide undo and redo support.
AgpHTMLUnitHelper This class provides utility methods that assist in the design-time rendering of a page control.
AgpImage AgpImage is an optionally programmable object which represents an image in the Document Object Model.
AgpImageHotSpot AgpHotSpot is an optionally programmable object which represents an image hotspot in the Document Object Model.
AgpLabel A control representing text.
AgpLayoutPanel AgpLayoutPanel is a type of AgpContainer.
AgpList HTML List control.
AgpListBase Internal SilverStream class: methods shared between AgpList and AgpChoice.
AgpMediaPlayer AgpMediaPlayer is an optionally programmable object which encapsulates a media player.
AgpObject AgpObject is an optionally programmable object which represents an object in the Document Object Model (DOM).
AgpPage Dynamically generated HTML page or subpage.
AgpParagraph AgpParagraph is an optionally programmable object which represents a paragraph of text in the Document Object Model.
AgpPlugIn AgpPlugIn is an optionally programmable object which represents a plug-in object in the Document Object Model.
AgpPresentation Represents a SilverStream Java form or view.
AgpScriptHelper Helper methods.
AgpTable AgpTable is an optionally programmable object which represents a table in the Document Object Model.
AgpTableCell AgpTableCell is an optionally programmable object which represents a table cell in the Document Object Model.
AgpTabPanel AgpTabPanel is a type of AgpContainer which allows users to tab between different blocks of HTML.
AgpTag Base class that, together with its inherited class AgpControlBase, provides a convenient base implementation for serialization and HTML generation.
AgpText Text object which represents a run of text in a page.
AgpTextArea TextArea HTML form control.
AgpTextField Single-line Text Field HTML form control.
AgpTextSpan AgpTextSpan is an optionally programmable object which represents a text span in the Document Object Model.
AgpViewPanel AgpViewPanel is a type of AgpContainer that represents a tabular data view.

Package Description

Contains classes that represent the page, all page controls, and applets, plugins, classes for enhancing the page with JavaScript, plus some page-specific events and listeners. These classes make it possible to create HTML pages with dynamic, data-bound controls and content.

All events and properties on pages and page controls are also described in propPageEvents.html and propPageProps.html.

Application Server 3.5