8.3 Considerations for Reporting on NAS Devices

File Reporter can report on the contents of Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices. Integration information for reporting on specific NAS device types is found below.

8.3.1 NetApp filer

For a NetApp filer device, configuration is very simple because the device does not fully emulate a Windows Server at the operating system level.

  1. Use the NetApp filer administration utility to join the NAS device to a domain where File Reporter can report.

  2. Grant the proxy rights group membership in the NAS device's built-in Administrators group.

  3. Grant the proxy rights group the folder share permissions that are required to access the storage.

    There are no LSA rights and privileges to grant on a NetApp filer NAS device.

8.3.2 EMC Isilon

Perform the following steps to integrate an EMC Isilon device. You can use these same steps to see if other NAS devices integrate with File Reporter.

  1. Rebuild the storage resources and verify that the NAS device is displayed on the list.

  2. Perform any needed steps for giving the proxy rights group access to the desired shares and folders on the NAS device.

8.3.3 Other NAS Devices

Perform the following steps to see if other NAS devices integrate with File Reporter.

  1. In the associated Computer object in Active Directory, add the following text somewhere in the description attribute for that object:


  2. Rebuild the storage resources and verify that the NAS device is displayed on the list.

  3. Perform any needed steps for giving the proxy rights group access to the desired shares and folders on the NAS device.