52.3 Transitioning from SMTP Gateway Aliases to Internet Addressing

For those who have been using SMTP gateway aliases to handle email addresses that do not fit the default format expected by the GWIA or to customize users’ Internet addresses, the Gateway Alias Migration utility can convert the user names in those gateway aliases into preferred email IDs. The Preferred E-Mail ID feature was first introduced in GroupWise 6.5 and is the suggested method for overriding the current email address format, as described in Section 14.7.2, Changing a User’s Internet Addressing Settings. The Gateway Alias Migration utility can also update users’ preferred Internet domain names based on their existing gateway aliases.

52.3.1 Planning to Migrate Gateway Aliases

You can migrate SMTP gateway aliases by individual user, by post office, by domain, or for your entire GroupWise system. Migrating at the post office level is recommended, although you can test the process by migrating individual users. Assess the gateway aliases in your GroupWise system and decide how you want to organize the migration process.

The Gateway Alias Migration utility runs most efficiently if you are connected to the domain that owns the users whose aliases you are migrating. This reduces network traffic between domains during the migration process.

The Gateway Alias Migration utility requires that you connect to a GroupWise 7 or later domain, although you can select users from 6.x and 5.x domains for migration. If you still have 4.x domains, you can migrate aliases by connecting to the GroupWise System object before connecting to a domain.

Determine the domains you need to connect to as you perform the migration.

52.3.2 Preparing to Migrate Gateway Aliases

Before starting the SMTP gateway alias migration process:

52.3.3 Performing the Gateway Alias Migration

To run the Gateway Alias Migration utility in ConsoleOne:

  1. (Conditional) If you want to migrate all gateway aliases in your GroupWise system, connect to the primary domain in the GroupWise View.


    (Conditional) If you want to migrate the gateway aliases in a particular domain or post office, connect to the domain where the aliases are located.

    If you need assistance with this task in a GroupWise system that includes domains on Linux servers, see Section 4.1, Select Domain.

  2. Browse to and select the object representing the set of gateway aliases that you want to migrate (GroupWise system, domain, post office, or user).

  3. Click Tools > GroupWise Utilities > Gateway Alias Migration.

  4. In the SMTP Gateway Alias Type drop-down list, select the type of alias you want to migrate.

    SMTP Gateway Alias Migration Utility dialog box

    The list of available gateway alias types is generated from the Gateway Alias Type fields on the Identification property pages of the GWIA objects in your GroupWise system.

    The resulting alias list provides the SMTP gateway aliases for all users associated with the object selected in Step 2. If the list is extremely long, you can click Stop and just work with a subset of the alias list.

    The list does not include any aliases that have a pending operation on them.

  5. Select one or more gateway aliases to migrate.


    Click Select All.

  6. Click Migrate to start the migration process.

    You are prompted for how to handle each gateway alias.

    • If the alias is just a user name, you can select whether or not you want to use that user name as the user's preferred email ID.

      SMTP Gateway Alias Migration Utility Name Override dialog box

      If you do, the user name is transferred into the Preferred E-Mail ID field on the Internet Addressing property page of the User object.

    • If the alias also includes an Internet domain name, you can select whether or not you want to use that Internet domain name with the user's preferred email ID.

      SMTP Gateway Alias Migration Utility Name and Internet Domain Override dialog box

      If you do, the domain name is transferred into the Internet Domain Name field on the Internet Addressing property page of the User object.

      For an internal user, if the Internet domain name is not defined in your GroupWise system under Tools > GroupWise System Operations > Internet Addressing, then the Internet domain name is not transferred into the Internet Domain Name field on the Internet Addressing property page of the User object. However, for external users, undefined Internet domain names are transferred into the Internet Domain Name field on the Internet Addressing property page of the External User or External Entity object.

    By default, both user names and domain names are selected for migration.

  7. For each gateway alias, deselect the check boxes for any actions that you do not want the Alias Migration utility to perform, then click OK.

    For convenience when migrating multiple aliases, you can click OK to All to apply your current selections to all aliases.

  8. When the migration is complete, select a different gateway alias type to migrate.


    Click Close.

52.3.4 Verifying the Gateway Alias Migration

To see what the Gateway Alias Migration utility has accomplished:

  1. Browse to and right-click a User object that used to have a gateway alias, then click Properties.

  2. Click GroupWise > Gateway Aliases.

    The alias list should be empty.

  3. On the same User object, click GroupWise > Internet Addressing.

    The Preferred EMail ID field should be filled in with the information from the old gateway alias.