IMPORTANT:Do not proceed with the following steps unless you are ready to stop the original POA on the source server for the last time.
Start ConsoleOne on Windows.
Connect to the domain that owns the migrated post office.
Perform the following modifications to GroupWise objects:
When you are finished working in ConsoleOne and have verified your configuration changes, skip to Stopping the Original POA on the Source Server.
Browse to and right-click the Post Office object, then click Properties.
Click GroupWise > Identification.
In the UNC Path field, change the path to the location on the destination Linux server where you copied the post office. For example:
For a Linux server, ConsoleOne interprets the UNC path as a Linux path. Do not put a Linux path with front slashes in the UNC Path field, because backslashes are expected.
Click OK to save the new Linux path information for the post office.
Continue with Reconfiguring the Migrated POA.
In ConsoleOne, browse to and right-click the POA object for the post office, then click Properties.
Click GroupWise > Identification.
In the Platform field, select Linux, then click Apply.
Click GroupWise > Log Settings.
Ensure that the Log File Path field is empty so that the Linux POA creates its log files in the default location (/var/log/novell/groupwise/post_office_name.poa) on the Linux server.
Click OK to save the configuration information for the Linux POA.
(Conditional) If you need to copy document storage areas to the Linux server, continue with Handling Remote Document Storage Areas.
For background information about this process, see Remote Document Storage Areas for a Post Office.
If the Server Migration Utility detected one or more remote document storage areas belonging to a post office, it provided a list of their locations. See Verifying Remote Document Storage Areas. At this point, you must physically move the remote document storage areas to their new locations on the Linux server and reconfigure their associated Library objects for the new locations.
Mount each remote document storage area to the Linux server where you want the remote document storage area to reside.
If you need help with a mount command, see Mount Commands to review the mount commands used by the Server Migration Utility.
On the Linux server, change to the folder where you had the Server Migration Utility store the Linux RPMs during the migration.
The default location is /tmp/groupwise/software/bin. At this point in the migration process, the GroupWise Database Copy utility (DBCopy) has been installed, so you can use it to manually copy the remote document storage areas.
Copy each remote document storage area to its planned destination, using the following dbcopy command:
./dbcopy -m -b /storage_area_folder /destination_folder
The -m switch indicates that DBCopy is being used for migration to Linux.The -b switch indicates that DBCopy is being used to migrate a documentation storage area containing document BLOB (binary large object) files.
Continue with Reconfiguring Remote Document Storage Areas.
In ConsoleOne, browse to and right-click a Library object for the post office, then click Properties.
Click GroupWise > Storage Areas.
Select a storage area, then click Edit.
In the Linux Path field, specify the full path for the remote document storage area, then click OK.
Do not edit the UNC path. Editing the UNC path might cause the path format to become invalid.
Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 for each storage area in the list, then click OK.
Repeat Step 1 through Step 6 for each library in the post office.
Continue with Reconfiguring SSL Settings.
If you have not already followed the general instructions in Handling SSL Certificate and Key Files:
In ConsoleOne, browse to and right-click the POA object for the post office, then click Properties.
Click GroupWise > SSL Settings.
In the Certificate file field, change the path to the location of the certificate file on the destination Linux server. For example:
In the SSL key file field, change the path to the location of the SSL key file on the destination Linux server. For example:
Click OK to save the changes.
(Conditional) If you are using WebAccess on GroupWise 8, continue with Updating Post Office Links for WebAccess (GroupWise 8 Only).
Skip to Updating the POA IP Address.
In ConsoleOne, browse to and right-click the WebAccess object, then click Properties.
Click Post Office Links.
Select the appropriate post office and click Edit Link.
Select an Access Mode from the drop-down menu.
Fill in the required information for your new post office location.
Click OK twice to save your new settings.
Continue with Updating the POA IP Address.
Updating the POA IP address must be the last configuration change you make in ConsoleOne. After you change the IP address, the POA can no longer communicate with the MTA because it is no longer using the IP address that the MTA is configured to expect.
In ConsoleOne, browse to and right-click the POA object for the post office, then click Properties.
Click GroupWise > Network Address.
In the TCP/IP Address field, specify the IP address of the destination Linux server.
Click OK to save the new IP address.
Continue with Verifying the Post Office Configuration Changes.
You can verify that the configuration changes have been replicated to the domain at the POA console.
Display the POA console for the original POA.
Click MTP Status to check the status of the link between the MTA for the domain and the original POA on the source NetWare or Windows server.
The Receive link should display Closed because the POA is now configured to communicate with the MTA on a new IP address.
Continue with Stopping the Original POA on the Source Server.