Some aspects of the Calendar Publishing (CalPub) Host can be configured using the CalPub Administration Console.
The CalPub Administration Console is a browser-based administration tool that enables you to easily change the configuration of the CalPub Host.
Display the CalPub Administration Console login page:
Provide the administrator user and password for the CalPub Host Administration Console, and then click Login.
For more information, see Setting Up Calendar Publishing Administration
in the GroupWise Installation Guide
To change post office settings:
Log in to the CalPub Administration Console.
The Post Office page provides the information that the CalPub Host needs in order to communicate with a POA to obtain calendar and free/busy information. The initial information was provided during installation. For more information, see Configuring a POA for Calendar Publishing
in the GroupWise Installation Guide.
Change the post office settings as needed.
Post Office Network Address: Specify the IP address or DNS hostname of the POA that is configured for calendar publishing.
Post Office TCP Port: Specify the calendar publishing port that the POA uses to communicate with the CalPub Host.
Click Save to save your changes.
Log in to the CalPub Administration Console, and and then click Logging to define log settings for the CalPub Host:
Logging is enabled by default. Default settings are provided for the rest of the fields.
Change the CalPub Host log settings as needed:
Enable Logging: Deselect this option to turn off CalPub Host logging.
Log File Path: The default log file location varies by platform:
Change the log file settings as needed:
Language: Select the language for the log files.
Max Size for Log Files: Specify in kilobytes the maximum size for log files. When the combined size of log files reaches this size the oldest log files are deleted.
Max Log File Age: Specify the number of days for the maximum age for a log file. When a log file reaches this age, it is deleted.
Log Level: Select the level of detail that you want recorded in the log file.
Use Tomcat Log File: Select this option if you want the same information logged to the Tomcat log file as is logged to the Calendar Publish Host log file. The location of the Tomcat log file varies by platform:
OES 11: |
/var/opt/novell/tomcat8/logs |
SLES 11: |
/usr/share/tomcat8/logs |
Windows: |
c:\novell\tomcat8\logs |
Click Save to save your changes.
Log in to the CalPub Administration Console, and then click Authentication.
Change the authentication information as needed:
Admin Service Address: Specify the IP address or DNS hostname of a GroupWise domain server. The default is the local host where the Calendar Publishing Host Application is running.
Admin Service Port Specify the Admin Service port number on the domain server.
Click Save to save your changes.
Log in to the CalPub Administration Console, and then click Customize to modify the appearance of the Calendar Publishing web page.
Provided the information for your company logo:
Logo Image: Specify the full path and file name of the customized image file.
Logo Text: Specify the text to accompany the customized image.
Logo Text Position: Select Top, Middle, or Bottom, based on the example displayed in the box below the field.
Click Save to save your changes.
When you close the browser page, you are automatically logged out of the CalPub Host console.
The CalPub Host checks its configuration file (calhost.cfg) every 10 minutes. Therefore, it can take up to 10 minutes for the changes you made in the CalPub Administration Console to take effect in the functionality of the CalPub Host.
You can also manually restart Tomcat in order to put the changes into effect immediately.
SLES 11: |
rcgrpwise-tomcat8 stop rcgrpwise-tomcat8 start |
Windows: |