5.7 Monitoring GroupWise SOAP Processing

The GroupWise Sync Agent uses the SOAP protocol to communicate with the GroupWise POA. GroupWise includes tools for monitoring those SOAP connections.

5.7.1 Using the GroupWise POA Web Console

The POA web console provides information about SOAP events that are passing between the GroupWise Sync Agent and the POA. For more information, see Monitoring SOAP Events in the GroupWise Administration Guide.

5.7.2 Using GroupWise Monitor

GroupWise Monitor can be configured to notify you when a POA is running out of SOAP threads. When you receive the notification, you can restart the POA. Configure GroupWise Monitor to notify you when the poaSOAPThreadBusy variable exceeds a threshold of 20. For more information, see Configuring Email Notification for Agent Problems in the GroupWise Administration Guide.