3.2 Items

Users can act on items. For example, a user can accept an item. Accepting an item can create an event record with an event type of ItemAccept. The following sections explain different actions on items and the resulting event records that are created.

FolderItemDelete is obsolete. Do not use it because it will be removed from the schemas in a future release.

PersonalGroupItemAdd and PersonalGroupItemDelete are defined in the GroupWise 7.0.1 schemas. However, they are not used at this time but are reserved for future use.

3.2.1 Accepting an Item

When a user accepts a distributed appointment, note, or task, you can expect the following events:

  • ItemAccept: Created when the distributed item is accepted.

  • ItemModify: The item has been modified.

  • FolderItemMove: Reports the moving of the item from the mailbox folder to the calendar.

The first ItemModify event example shows changes to the status of the item, such as the item being opened and read. The second ItemModify example reports the change to the recipient status on the sent item record for the appointment. This ItemModify appears only if the sender is the recipient.


3.2.2 Archiving an Item

When a user archives an item, you can expect the following events:

  • ItemArchive: Created when the item is archived. The item is then deleted and purged from the on-line account.

  • ItemPurge: Created when an item is purged from the online account.


3.2.3 Completing an Item

When a user completes a task, you can expect the following events:

  • ItemComplete: Created when the item is completed.

  • ItemModify: Created when the recipient status of the sent item is changed to completed.


3.2.4 Declining an Item

Deleting a calendar item (appointment, note, or task) creates an ItemDecline event.


3.2.5 Deleting an Item

Deleting a mail or phone item creates an ItemDelete event.


3.2.6 Adding an Item To a Folder

When items are created in a folder, a FolderItemAdd event is created.


3.2.7 Moving an Item

When an item is moved from one folder to another folder, a FolderItemMove event is created. The from container is the source folder and the container is the destination folder.


3.2.8 Marking an Item Private

Private items cannot be viewed by proxy users. Marking an item private creates an ItemMarkPrivate event.


3.2.9 Marking an Item Read

When an item is opened, the opened and read status flags on an item record are set.

Marking an item read creates an ItemMarkRead event.


3.2.10 Marking an Item Unprivate

By default, items are not private and can be seen by proxy users. Marking an item as not private creates an ItemMarkUnprivate event.


3.2.11 Marking an Item Unread

In order for an item to be marked unread, it needs to have been opened first. When an item is opened, the opened and read status flags on an item record are set. When an item is marked unread, the read status flag is reset to not read and the opened flag is not changed.

Marking an item unread creates an ItemMarkRead event.


3.2.12 Modifying an Item

ItemModify modifies an existing item.

A distributed item is sent to many users. A personal item is a posted or personal item. The number of fields that can be changed on a item depends on whether it is a distributed or a personal item. On a distributed item, only the category and personal subject can be modified.

Modifying a distributed item creates an ItemModify event. The field element defines the field that was changed on the item. In the following example, the Category and PersonalSubject were both changed.

   <gwe:field>Category PersonalSubject</gwe:field>

If an item is personal, most fields can be changed on the item after its sent. In the example below, the Alarm, Category, Classification, and other fields were modified.

   <gwe:field>Alarm Category Classification Duration Place Security
        SendPriority StartDate Subject Alarm</gwe:field>

3.2.13 Purging an Item

Items that are deleted are moved to the Trash folder. Items can then be purged by deleting them from the Trash. Items can also be purged without sending the item to the Trash. In a client, select Delete and Empty, and the item is removed from the user's account without storing the item in the Trash folder.

Purging an item creates an ItemPurge event.


3.2.14 Declining an Item

When an application uses the unacceptRequestmethod defined in GroupWise Web Services, the ItemUnaccept event is created.


3.2.15 Unarchiving an Item

When a user unarchives an item, the following events can be expected:

  • ItemUnarchive: Created when the item is unarchived.

  • FolderItemAdd: Created when the item is re-created in the online account


3.2.16 Marking an Item Not Complete

When a user marks a task as not being complete, a ItemUncomplete event is created.


3.2.17 Undeleting an Item

Items that are in the trash folder can be undeleted or moved back to the original folder. Undeleting an item creates an ItemUndelete event.
