44.5 Setting Address Book Properties

You can choose and view various properties and options for your address books.

44.5.1 Setting Personal Address Book Properties

Use the Address Book Properties dialog box to view the properties of each of your address books (including the GroupWise Address Book). There are three property tabs in the address books; not all of them are visible from every address book.

The General tab is visible from all address books. Use the General tab to view the name of the address book, a summary of what the address book contains, and so forth. You can also use it to add a description of the address book.

The Options tab is visible only from the Frequent Contacts address book. Use the Options tab to specify what is saved in Frequent Contacts and how this address book should be cleaned up. See Setting Frequent Contacts Properties.

The Sharing tab is visible for personal address books for which you are the owner, including your Frequent Contacts address book. Use the Sharing tab to choose whether or not to share an address book, who to share it with, and which access rights each person should have.

You can also share your personal groups by placing them in an address book you share with others.

44.5.2 Viewing an Address Book’s Properties

To view an address book’s properties:

  1. In the Main Window, click Address Book toolbar icon on the toolbar.

  2. Click the address book you want to view the properties for.

    If the book is not visible, the book is not open.

  3. Click File > Properties.

  4. To view the number of individuals, resources, companies, and so forth, click Contains.

    If the address book is large, this might take some time. The status bar measures the progress of this operation.

  5. To add or modify a description for the address book, click the Description field, and then type or edit the description.

  6. Click OK to save your changes and close the Properties dialog box.

44.5.3 Setting Frequent Contacts Properties

To configure properties for the Frequent Contacts address book:

  1. In the Main Window, click Address Book toolbar icon on the toolbar.

  2. Click the Frequent Contacts address book.

  3. Click File > Properties, and then click the Options tab.

  4. Select the options you want.

    If you cannot change these options, your GroupWise administrator has locked them.

    To stop names from being placed into the Frequent Contacts address book, click Auto-saving off.

  5. To delete names from this book, select the Delete addresses not referenced within time period check box, type a number in the Time period field, click a time period from the drop-down list (from hours to years), and then click Delete Now to remove old addresses.

  6. Click OK to save your changes and close the Properties dialog box.