You can assign a password to your Mailbox. GroupWise passwords are case sensitive (for example, Wednesday is not the same as WEDNESDAY). If you forget your password, you will not have access to any of your items.
If your system administrator has turned on LDAP authentication, your LDAP password is used to access your Mailbox rather than a GroupWise password. With LDAP authentication, you are required to have a password and you cannot remove your password.
If your system administrator has disabled changing your LDAP password in GroupWise, you may need to change your password using a different application. Contact your system administrator for more information.
If your system administrator has turned on LDAP authentication, your LDAP password is used to access your Mailbox rather than a GroupWise password, and you cannot add a password using this method.
If your system administrator has turned on LDAP authentication and has disabled changing your LDAP password in GroupWise, you might need to change your password using a different application. Contact your system administrator for more information.
In the Main Window, click Tools, then click Options.
Double-click Security, then click the Password tab.
In the Old Password text box, type the password you want to change, then press the Tab key.
In the New Password text box, type the new password.
In the Confirm New Password text box, type the new password again, click OK, then Close.
If you have a password but do not want to be prompted for it every time you start GroupWise, you have several options. The availability of these options depends on the platform on which you run GroupWise, the options your system administrator has set, and other products you have installed.
When you run GroupWise on Windows* 95 or higher, are logged in to the network as yourself, and have selected this option in Security Options or during login, you will not be prompted for your password on the current workstation. Windows remembers the password.
When you are logged in to Novell® eDirectory or NDS® as yourself on any workstation and have selected this option in Security Options, you will not be prompted for your password. Because eDirectory has identified you, the password is not required.
When you are logged in to eDirectory as yourself on any workstation where Novell SecureLogin is installed and you have selected this option in Security Options or during login, you will not be prompted for your password. Single sign-on locates your stored password. If other users log in to GroupWise on your workstation, they should deselect this option during login. This will not turn the option off, but will make sure their password is not stored in place of yours.
The availability of these options depends on the platform on which you run GroupWise, the options your system administrator has set, and other products you have installed.
Click Tools, then click Options.
Double-click Security, then make sure the Password tab is selected.
Select No Password Required With eDirectory.
Type your password, type a new password, type the new password again, then select Remember Password or Use Single Sign-On.
Click OK, then Close.
You can also select Remember My Password or Use Single Sign-On in the Startup dialog box at login.
Setting a password for your Mailbox does not affect a proxy's ability to access your Mailbox. A proxy's ability to access your Mailbox is determined by the rights you assign him or her in your Access List.
To use Remote mode, you must assign a password to your Online Mailbox. If you assign a password when you're running Remote, the password you create affects only your Remote Mailbox. For example, if you are running Remote mode at home and you create a password in Security Options, the password you create only affects your Remote Mailbox. The password does not affect your Online Mailbox at the office.
If your system administrator has turned on LDAP authentication and has disabled changing your LDAP password in GroupWise®, you might need to change your password using a different application. Contact your system administrator for more information.
To use GroupWise in Caching mode, you must assign a password to your Online Mailbox. If you assign a password when you're in Caching mode, the password you create affects only your Caching Mailbox. For example, if you are running in Caching mode and you create a password in Security Options, the password you create only affects your Caching Mailbox. The password does not affect your Online Mailbox.
If your system administrator has turned on LDAP authentication and has disabled changing your LDAP password in GroupWise, you might need to change your password using a different application. Contact your system administrator for more information.