15.9 Opening Documents

When you double-click a document reference in your Mailbox or folder, GroupWise opens the document in the associated application. You can then edit the document. If you only have rights to view the document, you can open the document two ways: you can open the document as a read-only file in the application, or you can open the document in the GroupWise viewer.

GroupWise sets the status of the selected version as In Use while you have it open. This status locks the selected document version and prevents other users from editing it while you have it open. When you exit the document, the In Use status is removed and the version is unlocked.

If you want to lock a version of a document for multiple editing sessions, use Check Out. Check Out lets you copy the selected version of a document to another location, and it remains locked until you check it in. For more information, see Section 15.8, Checking Out Documents.

15.9.1 Opening a Document

  1. Double-click the document reference in your Mailbox.

If you do not have access to the application the document was created in, GroupWise prompts you to specify an application. You might be able to open the document in a related application.

Opening Read-Only Documents

If you don’t have Edit rights to a document, you can open a read-only copy of the document in an application. This makes it possible for you to see graphics and layout elements that might not display correctly in the GroupWise viewer.

If you have Edit rights to a document, read-only documents are also a useful way to view a document if it is marked In Use or if it is checked out.

You can only open one read-only document at a time in each application.

Opening Documents in Non-Integrated Applications

If you are using non-integrated applications (most Windows 3.1 applications, MS-DOS applications, and many Windows 95 applications), GroupWise copies the document back to the library when you close the application, not when you close the document.

Opening Documents in Integrated Applications

If you are using an integrated application, GroupWise can integrate the document management features with the application’s Open and Save As feature.

When you select Open in the application, a dialog box displays all the available document references in your Mailbox. You can select a document reference to open the document, or you can click the Select Document Using Application Dialog button to use the application’s regular Open dialog box.

For more information, see Section 15.17, Integrating GroupWise with Your Applications.

Opening Documents in GroupWise Remote or Caching Modes

If you are using Remote mode, you must manually mark the document version as In Use when you retrieve it from your Online Mailbox. When you exit the document, Remote prompts you to clear the In Use status.

If you are using GroupWise in Caching mode and the GroupWise server is available, GroupWise automatically retrieves the document (giving you a chance to mark it In Use) when you choose to open a document.

15.9.2 Opening Multiple Versions of a Document

  1. Click the document reference in your Mailbox.

  2. Click Actions > Version List.

  3. Select the versions you want to open in the Version list box.

  4. Click Actions, then click Open.