Setting Up Role Based Services

Before you can add RBS objects to your eDirectory tree, the schema of the tree must be extended to allow RBS object types, and you must create an rbsCollection container to hold all other RBS objects. Typically, the schema extension is performed automatically during the installation of NetWare® 6. However, you can complete the procedures below to ensure that your tree has the needed schema extensions, container object, and product packages.

In This Section

Installing RBS Schema Extensions to Your eDirectory Tree

  1. Click the Configure button Configure button.

  2. Click Role Based Services Setup > Extend Schema.

  3. Click OK to add the new Role Base Services schema extensions to the tree.

Creating an rbsCollection Container

  1. Click the Configure button Configure button.

  2. Click Role Based Services Setup > Create rbsCollection.

  3. Enter a name for the object in the Name field.

  4. Specify a container to hold the object in the Container field.

  5. Click OK.

Installing Product Packages

  1. Click the Configure button Configure button.

  2. Click Role Based Services Setup > Install Plug-in.

  3. Select the plug-in you want to install.

  4. Specify an rbsCollection Container to hold the RBS objects for this plug-in.

  5. Click OK.

Modifying RBS Collection Owners

The user who installed the NetWare 6 server is automatically added as the owner of the first rbsCollection container at install time. For additional rbsCollection containers, the user who creates them is automatically assigned as the owner of the collection.

You can use the Modify rbsCollection Owners page in Novell iManager to delete or change the owner of an rbsCollection container.

When you make a user an owner of an rbsCollection container, you need to grant that user the proper eDirectory rights to fully administer that container. Use ConsoleOneTM to give the new owner supervisor rights to the rbsCollection container and the objects inside the container (for example, the rbsRole an rbsTask objects). See Administering Rights in ConsoleOne User Guide for more information.

  1. Click the Configure button Configure button.

  2. Click Collection Management > Modify Owners.

  3. Specify the name and context of the rbsCollection object you want to modify > click OK.

  4. Add or delete users from the list of owners.

  5. Click OK.