17.6 Upgrading the Vibe Database from 3.4 to 4

Upgrade the Vibe software (as described in Section 18.4, Upgrading the Vibe Software) before upgrading the Vibe database.

When you upgrade to Vibe 4, the Vibe Installation program does not update the database as part of the Vibe software upgrade. Therefore, you must manually update the database before you can start Vibe:

  1. (Conditional) When upgrading a MySQL database, ensure that the Vibe database character set for the Vibe 3.4 system is in UTF-8 format.

    1. To view the character set format, run the following command:

      SELECT default_character_set_name FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA S WHERE schema_name = 'sitescape';

      In this command sitescape is the name of the Vibe database. Replace sitescape with the name of your database.

    2. If the character set format is anything other than UTF-8, run the following command to change it:

      In the following command, sitescape is the name of the Vibe database. Replace sitescape with the name of your database.

      ALTER DATABASE sitescape CHARACTER SET utf8;

  2. Change to the db directory in the Vibe installation:

    cd /vibe_installation/temp-installer/db

    This directory contains the following properties files:

    • mysql-liquibase.properties

    • Oracle-liquibase.properties

    • sqlserver-liquibase.properties

  3. In a text editor, open the properties file that corresponds with your database type to make any of the following changes. Save and close the text editor when you are finished making changes.

    • Change the database user name and password for accessing the database.

    • (Conditional) Specify the IP address for the database if it is running on a remote server.

      You need to replace localhost with the IP address of the remote server.

    • (Optional) Change the name of the Vibe database (the default name of the Vibe database is sitescape, the name of the company that previously developed the Vibe software).

  4. Save your changes and close the properties file.

  5. In the same directory (/vibe_installation/temp-installer/db), execute the following commands to update the database schema:


    manage-database.bat databaseType mark33DatabaseAsUpdated

    manage-database.bat databaseType updateDatabase

    Possible database types (databaseType) are mysql, oracle, or sqlserver, depending on your type of database.


    ./manage-database.sh databaseType mark33DatabaseAsUpdated

    ./manage-database.sh databaseType updateDatabase

    Possible database types (databaseType) are mysql, oracle, or sqlserver, depending on your type of database.

    NOTE:Ensure that the manage-database.sh file is executable.

    NOTE:You can safely ignore the following Liquibase log messages:

    • Warning: modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql

    • Any messages that contain the words info: failure or info: failed, as long as they are associated with a type INFO message

  6. Start Vibe 4 in the same way that you have been starting Vibe 3.4.

    When you start Vibe for the first time after the upgrade, it takes longer to start than usual because data in the Vibe database must be upgraded before the Vibe site is ready to use.


    On the Vibe server, specify the following command:

    /etc/init.d/teaming start


    See Starting Vibe as an Application.


    See Starting Vibe as a Windows Service.

    NOTE:If you have been starting Vibe as a Windows service, you need to delete your existing Windows service configuration and re-configure Vibe as a Windows service before you can start Vibe. For information about how to configure Vibe as a Windows service, see Configuring Vibe as a Windows Service.

  7. (Recommended) For security reasons, delete the password that you specified in Step 7 in Creating the Vibe Database.

    1. Change to the db directory in the Vibe installation:

      cd /vibe_installation/temp-installer/db

      This directory contains the following properties files:

      • mysql-liquibase.properties

      • Oracle-liquibase.properties

      • sqlserver-liquibase.properties

    2. In a text editor, open the database_type-liquibase.properties file that corresponds with your database type, then delete the password.

    3. Save and close the properties file.

  8. Continue with Section 17.7, Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks.