6.8 Importing Files into a Folder

6.8.1 Dragging and Dropping Files

Vibe enables you to drag files from any location, and drop them into any Vibe folder.

If you are adding files to a Vibe Files folder, the behavior can be different. For more information about adding files to a Files folder, see Section 7.5.1, Adding Files to a Files Folder and Other WebDAV-Enabled Folders.

  1. Navigate to the folder where you want to add the files.

  2. Drag a file from one location, such as your desktop, and drop it into the Vibe folder. (When viewing a workspace or a parent folder, you can also drop the file onto the folder icon.)


    Click Add Files in the Folder Entry toolbar, then click Browse and browse to the file to add it.

    A new entry is created with the file as an entry attachment. The name of the document is automatically the name of the entry.

6.8.2 Dragging and Dropping Folders

  1. Navigate to the folder where you want to add the folder.

  2. Hold the Ctrl key while clicking Add Files in the Folder toolbar to launch the Add Files applet.

  3. Drag the folder from the location on your workstation to the folder icon in the Add Files window.

6.8.3 Importing Files into the Files Folder by Creating a Folder Entry

Because Files folders require each file to have a unique name, Files folders behave differently from other types of Vibe folders. For specific information about importing files into a Vibe Files folder, see Section 7.5.1, Adding Files to a Files Folder and Other WebDAV-Enabled Folders.

You can import single files into a Files folder by browsing your computer’s file system and creating a new file entry, if the file that you want to import has a unique name from all other files in the Files folder.

For information about how to create a new folder entry, see Section 8.1, Creating a Folder Entry.

6.8.4 Importing Files as Entry Attachments

If you want to attach files to a folder entry, you can attach the file when you are creating the entry, as described in Section 8.1, Creating a Folder Entry, or you can modify an existing entry to attach the file, as described in Section 8.16.2, Attaching Files to a Folder Entry.