Your personal workspace in Kablink Vibe is a place where you can store your personal files, blogs, photos, and all other types of Vibe folder entries.
Your personal workspace also includes relevance tabs that help you easily keep track of tasks and calendar events, get informed on new entries, view shared items, and more.
The relevance tabs are located in the home page of your personal workspace. These tabs enable you to get quick access to important information that pertains directly to you.
The What’s New tab enables you to find new content in your teams, in the places you are following, or across the entire site.
In the home page of your personal workspace, click the What’s New tab.
Select My Teams, Places being followed, or Site Wide, depending on where you want Vibe to search for new items.
All of the new items recently added are displayed in the left side of the page, in the What’s New section.
Vibe enables you to view which entries you have recently posted, and which entries you have recently visited. This can help you prioritize what you are working on, or quickly locate an entry that you have recently created or viewed.
In the home page of your personal workspace, click the Recent tab.
The left section of the page displays the entries that you have recently posted, and the right section of the page displays the entries that you have recently visited.
Use the Tasks and Calendars tab to accomplish the following tasks:
To help you keep track of tasks that have been assigned to you, Vibe provides a quick, easy way to view tasks.
In the home page of your personal workspace, click the Tasks and Calendars tab.
In the left column, Vibe displays the tasks that are assigned to you. You can sort these tasks by tasks due within two weeks, or any tasks that are currently assigned to you.
To help you keep track of your calendar events, Vibe enables you to view all of the calendar events for which you are scheduled on the current day.
In the home page of your personal workspace, click the Tasks and Calendars tab.
The right section of the page displays today’s schedule with all of the calendar events from all of the calendars you are following.
For information on how to follow a calendar, see Section 2.9.1, Following Workspaces and Folders.
Use the Micro-Blogs and Shared Items tab to accomplish the following tasks:
In the home page of your personal workspace, click the Micro-Blogs and Shared Items tab.
The Micro-Blogs column lists the micro-blog entries of the people you are currently following.
For information on how to select someone to follow, see Section 2.9.2, Following People.
When others share an item with you, Vibe sends you an email notification with a link to the item. Also, Vibe makes it easy to find items that others have shared with you.
In the home page of your personal workspace, click the Micro-Blogs and Shared Items tab.
In the right column, Vibe lists all of the items that people have shared with you.
The Accessories tab contains an accessory panel. You can use this accessory panel to make items in your personal workspace more visible. For example, by default, the Accessory tab contains a Guestbook accessory that references the Guestbook folder in your personal workspace. By displaying this accessory in the Accessories tab, you don’t need to view the Guestbook folder in order to see who has signed your Guestbook.
By default, a Task, Guestbook, Blog, and Photo Album accessory exist in this accessory panel, but you can add more as you desire. For information on how to add additional accessories, see Section 9.1, Creating an Accessory.
In the home page of your personal workspace, click the Profile link next to your name and avatar.
Click your Presence icon , located next to any entry that you have created.
Your personal profile information is displayed.
For information on modifying your profile information, see Section 1.6.1, Modifying Your Profile.