Kablink Vibe enables you to create a Calendar folder in any workspace that you desire. You can maintain a personal calendar in your personal workspace, and then add separate calendars in your team workspaces to keep track of events that are specific to that team.
You can customize the Calendar folder view in various ways:
Click Work day or Full day to specify whether Vibe should display all hours in the day, or only regular working hours.
Use the left-arrow icon and right-arrow icon
to specify the next or previous folder page. For example, if you are currently viewing three days of information, clicking the arrows shows you the previous or next three days of information.
Click the calendar applet to jump to a specific month and day.
Click the Today icon to jump to the current day.
Click the appropriate icon to specify the amount of time displayed on a single folder page (1 day , 3 days
, 5 days
, 7 days
, 14 days
, or one month
Click the Calendar Settings icon to specify the following options:
The day of the week that the calendar starts (Saturday, Sunday, or Monday).
The time your work day starts.
Click the Show drop-down list to display one of the following views:
Assigned Events: Displays all calendar events that are currently assigned to you.
For more information, see Section 7.3.2, Viewing All Calendar Events for Which You Are Scheduled.
Calendar Events by Date: (Default) Displays all entries in the calendar on the day that the event is scheduled for.
Calendar Events by Creation Date: Displays entries on the day that the entry was created. This includes file entries that were added to the Calendar folder using the Add Files option.
Calendar Events by Activity Date: Displays entries on the day that the entry was last modified. This includes file entries that were added to the Calendar folder using the Add Files option.
Vibe enables you to display all past and future calendar events for which you are scheduled in one convenient location. These are any events for which you are assigned, either individually, or through team or group membership.
Navigate to the calendar folder in your personal workspace.
In the Show drop-down list, select All Assigned Events.
All calendar events that are assigned to you in the Vibe system are displayed in the calendar.
Vibe enables you to synchronize the Vibe calendars of your choice, and display them in a single, summarized calendar in the Accessory Panel. This eliminates the need to check multiple calendars.
Navigate to the workspace or folder where you want to display the calendar.
Click the Accessory Panel drop-down list.
Click Add an Accessory.
In the Accessory Scope section, select where you want the accessory to be displayed.
Personal accessory for this page only: This accessory appears only to you and only on the currently displayed workspace or folder page.
Personal accessory for all workspaces and folders: This accessory appears only to you, but it appears on all workspace and folder pages that you view.
Community accessory for this page: This accessory appears only on this page, and it appears to everyone who views the current page. Only workspace and folder owners are allowed to establish community accessories.
In the Accessory Type section, select Calendar Summary.
Click OK.
The Accessory Setup page is displayed.
In the Title field, provide a title for the calendar.
In the Display Style section, select whether you want the calendar to have a border.
In the Select the Calendar Folder(s) to be Shown section, navigate the workspace tree and select all of the calendars that you want to be included in the Calendar Summary accessory.
Vibe takes the calendar events from all of the Calendar folders that you select here, and displays them in a single, convenient calendar in the Accessory Panel.
Click Apply > Close.
The Calendar Summary accessory is displayed in the Accessory Panel on the pages where you configured it to be shown, as explained in Step 4.
Vibe enables you to view all of your calendar events for the current day, in one synchronized view. This view displays events from the calendars that you are following, and displays only those events for which you are scheduled.
Navigate to the home page of your personal workspace.
Click the Tasks and Calendars tab.
The right section of the page displays today’s schedule with all of the calendar events from all of the calendars you are following.
For information on how to follow a calendar in Vibe, see Section 2.9.1, Following Workspaces and Folders.
Vibe provides iCal URLs for Calendar folders, so you can synchronize your Vibe Calendar folder to your desktop application.
For information on using iCal to synchronize your calendar with a desktop application, see Section 2.19, Synchronizing Tasks and Calendars to a Desktop Application.
If you are responsible for a maintaining a landing page for a workspace, you can configure the landing page to display the calendar events that are assigned to that particular user. For more information, see Adding Content to Your Landing Page
in the Kablink Vibe 4.0.1 Advanced User Guide.
Vibe enables you to import calendars from other software applications. You can import calendars from Outlook or from other applications that export to files of .ical, .ics, .ifb, and .icalendar formats.
You can import calendars as a single file, or you can import a list of calendars from a URL.
Navigate to the Calendar folder where you want to import the calendar.
Click the Configure icon next to the folder title, then click Folder Options.
The Folder Options dialog box is displayed.
In the Calendar Import Options section, select From iCalendar File.
Click OK.
The Import Calendar from File dialog box is displayed.
Click Choose File, then browse to and select the task that you want to import.
Click Upload.
Navigate to the Calendar folder where you want to import the calendar.
Click the Configure icon next to the folder title, then click Folder Options.
The Folder Options dialog box is displayed.
In the Calendar Import Options section, select By URL.
Click OK.
The Import Calendar by URL dialog box is displayed.
In the provided field, specify the URL where there is a list of calendars that you want to import.
Click OK.