Photo albums store and display pictures. You can store your personal photos in the Photo Album folder in your personal workspace, and team-related photos in the Photo Album folder of the team workspace.
You can organize your Photo Album folder into separate photo albums. Photo albums are displayed in the Photo Album sidebar, located in the right section of the Photo Album folder. Also, in the Navigation panel, you can expand your Photo Album folder to view all of your photo albums in the folder.
To create a new photo album in your Photo Album folder:
Click New Photo Album in the Folder Entry toolbar.
The New Photo Album page is displayed.
In the Folder Title field, specify the name of the new photo album that you want to create.
Click OK.
You can organize your photo album entries by Creation Date, Title, or Created/Modified.
Click the Sort by drop-down list in the Folder Entry toolbar.
Select how you want to sort the entries in your Photo Album folder.
The Photo Album sidebar in the Photo Album folder includes an Archives section that displays each month of the year that photos were created. When you first enter a Photo Album folder, all of the photo album entries are displayed in the main viewing area. Selecting an archived month simply filters the entries in the folder to display only entries that were created in that month.
You can use the Archives section to quickly navigate to a specific photo entry if you know the month when it was created. Or, you can view all of the photo entries that were created in any given month.
In the Archives section, click the month when the photo was created.
The most recent month is displayed at the top of the Archives section.
In the Content Area of the Photo Album folder, Kablink Vibe displays all of the photo entries that were created in that month.
(Optional) You can further navigate to the photo entry you are looking for by clicking the name of the Photo Album where the photo entry is stored.
The photo entry is displayed in the main viewing area.
Vibe enables you to synchronize the Vibe photo albums of your choice, and display them in a single, summarized photo album (called a Photo Gallery) in the Accessory Panel.
Navigate to the workspace or folder where you want to display the Photo Gallery.
Click the Accessory Panel drop-down list.
Click Add an Accessory.
In the Accessory Scope section, select where you want the accessory to be displayed.
Personal accessory for this page only: This accessory appears only to you and only on the currently displayed workspace or folder page.
Personal accessory for all workspaces and folders: This accessory appears only to you, but it appears on all workspace and folder pages that you view.
Community accessory for this page: This accessory appears only on this page, and it appears to everyone who views the current page. Only workspace and folder owners are allowed to establish community accessories.
In the Accessory Type section, select Photo Gallery.
Click OK.
The Accessory Setup page is displayed.
In the Title field, provide a title for the photo gallery.
In the Display Style section, select whether you want the photo gallery to have a border.
In the Number of Photos to Show field, specify how many results you want to display at any one time in the photo list.
Select whether you want photos to be shown big or small.
In the Select the Photo Album(s) to be Shown section, navigate the workspace tree and select all of the photo albums that you want to be included in the Photo Gallery accessory.
Vibe takes the photos from all of the Photo Album folders that you select here, and displays them in a single, convenient Photo Gallery in the Accessory Panel.
Click Apply > Close.
The Photo Gallery accessory is displayed in the Accessory Panel on the pages where you configured it to be displayed, as explained in Step 4.
To view a photo in a full-sized view in a separate window, click the thumbnail picture.
To scroll through an album that contains multiple photos, simply click the navigation arrows.
To manage a photo entry, including deleting, modifying, and commenting, click the linked title of the photo entry.