Kablink Vibe enables you to send email messages to your co-workers from a variety of places within Vibe, and for a variety of reasons.
Vibe enables you to send an email message to inform others about a specific folder or workspace.
This option is functional only if you have an email account assigned to you in Vibe. To assign an email account to your Vibe profile, see Section 2.15.4, Adding and Modifying Delivery Destinations.
Navigate to the folder or workspace that you want to inform others about via email.
Click the Configure icon next to the workspace or folder title, then click one of the following options:
Email Team: Emails team members who are associated with this folder or workspace.
Send e-mail to contributors: Emails all users who have added entries or comments to the current page.
The Send Email page is displayed.
A link to this folder or workspace is automatically created in the Message field.
Fill in the appropriate fields.
For information on filling in the rest of the Send E-Mail form, see Section 10.3, Filling Out the Send E-Mail Page.
Click OK.
You can send an email notification to inform other Vibe users about a new or existing folder entry. For information on how to do this, see Section 8.13, Notifying Others about a Folder Entry.
These options are functional only if you have an email account assigned to you in Vibe. To assign an email account to your Vibe profile, see Section 2.15.4, Adding and Modifying Delivery Destinations.
If you are the owner of a folder, you can configure that folder to send email notifications to specific Vibe users.
For information on how to do this, see Configuring Folders to Send Email Notifications to Other Users
in the Kablink Vibe 4.0.1 Advanced User Guide.