3.5 Managing Ticket Policies

The ticket policy objects stored in eDirectory can be attached to Kerberos principals. Policy-related attributes can also be associated directly with the principals or realms but are not explained here.

3.5.1 Creating a Ticket Policy

You can use one of the following methods to add a Ticket policy:

Command Line

Use the following command to add a ticket policy:

kdb5_ldap_util [-D user_dn [-w passwd]] [-H ldap_uri]
         [-t trusted_cert]
create_policy [-maxtktlife max_ticket_life] [-maxrenewlife max_renewable_ticket_life] 	[ticket_flags] [-r realm] policy_name

For example:

kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu create_policy 
-r ATHENA.MIT.EDU -maxtktlife "1 day" -maxrenewlife "1 week" 
-allow_postdated +needchange -allow_forwardable usertktpolicy 

Refer to the following table for the description of the parameters:

Table 3-16 create_policy Parameters




Maximum ticket life for principals.


Maximum renewable life of tickets for principals.


Specifies the ticket flags. If this option is not specified, by default, none of the flags are set. This means that all the ticket options are allowed and no restrictions is set.

The various flags are:



Allows or prohibits principals from obtaining postdated tickets.



Allows or prohibits principals from obtaining forwardable tickets.



Allows or prohibits principals from obtaining renewable tickets.



Allows or prohibits principals from obtaining proxiable tickets.



Disables or enables user-to-user authentication for principals, by prohibiting or allowing obtaining of a session key for another user.



Makes principals require or not require pre-authentication before being allowed to kinit.



Makes principals require or not require pre-authentication by using a hardware device before being allowed to kinit.



Allows or prohibits issuance of service tickets for this principal.



(-)allow_tgs_req specifies that a Ticket-Granting Service (TGS) request for a service ticket for this principal is not permitted. (+) allow_tgs_req clears this flag. The default is (+) allow_tgs_req. In effect, (-)allow_tgs_req sets the KRB5_KDB_DISALLOW_TGT_BASED flag on the principal in the database.



Allows or prohibits issuance of any tickets for principals. The default is "+allow_tix".



Makes principals require or not require a password change.


{-|+}password_ changing_service

Used to set or unset principals as password changing services.


Realm to which the ticket policy belongs. By default, the default_realm parameter of the krb5.conf file is used.


Name of the policy.


  1. In Novell iManager, click the Roles and Tasks button Roles and Tasks Button.

  2. Select Kerberos Management > New Policy.

Refer to the iManager online help for more information.

3.5.2 Modifying a Ticket Policy

You can use one of the following methods to modify a ticket policy:

Command Line

Use the following command to modify a ticket policy:

kdb5_ldap_util [-D user_dn] [-w passwd]] [-H ldap_uri]
           [-t trusted_cert]
modify_policy  [-maxtktlife max_ticket_life] 	[-maxrenewlife max_renewable_ticket_life] [ticket_flags] [-r realm] policy_name 

For more information on the parameters, refer to Table 3-16.

For example:

kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu  modify_policy -maxtktlife "1 day" -maxrenewlife "1 week" +allow_postdated -requires_preauth usertktpolicy 


  1. In Novell iManager, click the Roles and Tasks button Roles and Tasks Button.

  2. Select Kerberos Management > Edit Policy.

Refer to the iManager online help for more information.

3.5.3 Destroying a Ticket Policy

You can use one of the following methods to destroy a ticket policy:

Command Line

Use the following command to destroy a ticket policy:

kdb5_ldap_util [-D user_dn [-w passwd]] [-H ldap_uri]
          [-t trusted_cert]
destroy_policy  [-force] [-r realm] policy_name

For example:

kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu  destroy_policy   -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU usertktpolicy
This will delete the policy object 'usertktpolicy', are you sure?(type 'yes' to confirm)? Yes* policy object 'usertktpolicy' deleted. 

Table 3-17 destroy_policy Parameters




Forces the deletion of the policy object. If you do not specify this option, you are prompted for confirmation while deleting the policy. Enter YES to confirm the deletion.


Realm to which the ticket policy belongs. By default, the default_realm parameters of the krb5.conf file is used.


Name of the policy.


  1. In Novell iManager, click the Roles and Tasks button Roles and Tasks Button.

  2. Select Kerberos Management > Delete Policy.

Refer to the iManager online help for more information.

3.5.4 Viewing a Ticket Policy

Use the following command to view a ticket policy:

kdb5_ldap_util [-D user_dn [-w passwd]] [-H ldap_uri]
           [-t trusted_cert]
view_policy [-r realm] policy_name

For example:

kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu  view_policy -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU usertktpolicy

The expected output is:

Ticket Policy: usertktpolicy
Maximum ticket life: 0 days 01:00:00
Maximum renewable life: 0 days 10:00:00

Table 3-18 view_policy Parameters




Realm to which the ticket policy belongs. By default, the default_realm parameters of the krb5.conf file is used.


Name of the policy.

3.5.5 Listing Ticket Policies

Use the following command to list policies:

kdb5_ldap_util [-D user_dn [-w passwd]] [-H ldap_uri]
           [-t trusted_cert]
list_policy [-r realm] 

For example:

kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=org -H ldaps://ldap-server1.mit.edu  list_policy 

The expected output is as follows:


Table 3-19 view_policy Parameters




Realm for which the ticket policies are to be listed. By default, the default_realm parameters of the krb5.conf file is used.