2.4 VPN Configuration Migration Messages

Server Object, Context Object, Server NsObject, Context NsObject, Tree Object

Explanation: Failed to get the Server Object

Failed to get the Context Object

Failed to get the Namespace

Failed to get the Server’s NsObject

Failed to get the Context’s NsObject

Failed to get the Tree Object

Possible Cause: Authentication to the server failed.
Action: Copy the VPNMigration.ncf file from the vpnupgrade folder under the unsupported directory and place it in the sys volume. Make the changes in the NCF file according to the instruction in the Readme provided in the same directory, then run the configuration file from the server console and restart the server.

Attribute-Component Enable Flag, or Did Not Migrate

Explanation: Failed to get the Attribute-Component Enable flag.
Possible Cause: The Novell BorderManager 3.9 VPN was not configured on this server.
Action: Check for the sys:\_netware\vpn\svtun.cfg file. If it is not present, it means that you have not configured Novell BorderManager 3.8 earlier, so VPN migration did not occur.