2.5 Common Install Scenarios

Proxy, Access Rules, Filters Configuration Failed to Migrate

Explanation: Proxy, Access Rules and Filters configuration migration might fail after upgrading from Novell BorderManager 3.8 SP5 to Novell BorderManager 3.9.
Action: If this happens, enter the following command:

fillattr <host ip> <login dn> <password> <server dn> <search base dn>

For example, fillattr cn=admin,o=novell novell cn=nwserver-38,o=novell o=novell

Does selective installation of the VPN also install other components?

Explanation: When the VPN is installed, the firewall is installed by default.
Action: If this is not the desired option, unload the firewall after VPN installation.

How can I make sure that the schema is correctly extended?

Action: Access iManager and verify whether the following object classes exist:
  • vpnMemberEntry

  • vpnRule

  • inetPolicyVpnAuthCondition

What if the install aborts before completion?

Action: If the Novell BorderManager 3.9 install aborts before completion and you want to repeat the install, restart the install. After you are authenticated, choose the Fresh Install option.

Can only one license be installed per tree?

Explanation: Only one trial license can be installed in a tree containing multiple servers with Novell BorderManager 3.9. If you install trial licenses on a server in a tree when a trial license is already installed on another server in the same tree, you get an error stating that the license already exists.

What if products other than eDirectory are not installed properly?

Explanation: While upgrading from an older version to eDirectory 87.39, some products like SAS, PKI, and LDAP might not get updated properly in the products database, so the minimum requirements check for Novell BorderManager 3.9 fails.
Action: If you are sure that eDirectory 87.39 is installed on the server, modify the products database to write the correct version of the corresponding products. For information on this, see the Novell Support Web site.

Does the uninstall remove all the components completely?

Explanation: Uninstalling the product removes only the BorderManager files and does not revert to the original configuration.
Action: To remove all the files, remove Novell BorderManager 3.9 from the server and run uninst.bat, available in sys:\ni\update\bin, from a Windows client. To remove the configuration manually, remove the eDirectory objects added by Novell BorderManager 3.9.

How do I create a new cache volume on the NetWare 6.5 server if it shows free space as zero?

Explanation: If any partition label has non-ASCII characters in it, the Cache Volume Creation tool or CCRT utility does not work. Free space is shown as zero even if there is free space on the server. Labels can have non-ASCII characters if in some cases if a disk imager is used to restore disk images.
Action: Modify the partition label.

Viewing the Partition Label

The partition label can be viewed through NSSMU on the server as follows:

  1. Load NSSMU.NLM.

  2. Select Partitions > Partition Information - Label.

Modifying the Partition Label

To modify the partition label:

  1. Type the following URL in the browser to access Novell Remote Manager:


  2. Select Manage server > Partition Disks.

    All the partitions and volumes are displayed. Partition labels are shown next to the partition labels.

  3. Click the existing label and specify a new label.

  4. Click Apply.

How do I create traditional NetWare volumes for the proxy cache?

Explanation: The Cache Volume Creation tool or CCRT is a utility to create traditional NetWare volumes. You can create the traditional NetWare volumes for the proxy cache.

The CCRT utility provides the following two options to create traditional Netware volumes:

  • Custom Method: In this method, you can choose a free partition from the list displayed, to create the cache volume.

  • Default Method: In this method, the utility automatically chooses the suitable partition to create the cache volume, depending on the volume size entered.

To create a traditional NetWare cache volume:

  1. Type the following command in the console prompt to run the CCRT utility:


    The utility displays a list of existing volumes, available free space, and the maximum volume size available in the server.

  2. Press Y to confirm that you want to create a new volume.

  3. Specify if you want to choose the custom method or the default method to create cache volumes.

    If you choose the custom method, a list of free partitions is displayed along with the freepartition ID and the free partition size. You can select a free partition from the list, to create volume.

  4. Specify the volume size and the number of volumes to be created.


    • The actual size of the volume created is the quotient of volume size specified divided by the number of volumes.

    • The actual size of the volume should be at least 10MB and the number of volumes should be in the range (1-4).

    • Make sure that the volume size specified by you does not exceed the maximum volume size displayed (the maximum volume size displayed is the size of the largest free partition available).

How do I delete partitions and volumes?

Explanation: There is no free space available in the system.
Action: Delete volumes and partitions to recover space.
  1. Access the Novell Remote Manager through the following URL:


  2. Select Manage Server > Partition Disks.

  3. Delete the partitions and volumes that are not required.

    1. Dismount the volumes in the partition.

    2. Delete the volumes in the partition.

    3. Delete the partition.

  4. Restart the server before running the utility.

Why do I need domestic TCP/IP patches for NetWare 6.5?

Explanation: The shipping version of NetWare 6.5 does not work on a Novell BorderManager 3.9 VPN if it is not patched with the domestic stack TCP/IP patch. The domestic stack available at sys:/system/tcp/tcpl resolves this issue.

What if eDirectory services are down?

Explanation: If you get a message during install indicating Due to a DS error, install cannot bring up the Login Dialog, cancel the installation. Verify if the eDirectory services are up, then restart the installation.