2.4 Changing the Agent User Password

When the Messaging Agent and Archive Agent are installed, the user’s eDirectory password that is used to read the configuration that starts the agents is stored in the startup file for each agent. Prior to Messenger 2.0.2 Hot Patch 1, this password was stored in plain text. By default in Messenger 2.0.2 Hot Patch 1, the password is obfuscated to prevent it from being read.

If you want to check whether the password has been obfuscated, look in the startup files. The password is prepended with $$: if it has been obfuscated.

The GWMPassword utility is used to change the password in the startup file for both the Messaging Agent and the Archive Agent.

2.4.1 Changing the Agent User Password On NetWare or Windows

Before using the utility, you must verify the following prerequisite:

  • A drive must be mapped to the location of the startup file.

To change the password:

  1. In Windows, click Start > Run, then enter cmd to open a command window.

  2. Use the following command to change the password:

    c:\gwm202\server\utility\gwmpwd\gwmpwd.exe --startup=<path to startup file> --password=<new password>

    Replace c:\gwm202 with the location where the hot patch files were extracted.

2.4.2 Changing the Agent User Password on Linux

Before using the utility, you must verify the following prerequisites:

  • Make suer you have installed Messenger 2.0.2 Hot Patch 1.

  • A drive must be mapped to the location of the startup file.

  1. After installing Messenger 2.0.2 Hot Patch 1, change to the /opt/novell/messenger/bin/ directory.

  2. Become root by entering sux and the root password.

  3. Use the following command to change the password:

    ./gwmpwd --startup=<path to startup file> --password=<new password>