6.3 Copying System Data

Messenger system data consists of the following:

Before copying your system data from the NetWare or Windows server to the Linux server, you must first shut down the agents on the server. Before shutting down your system, you might want to send out a system broadcast informing users that the Messenger system will be shut down for a time. In addition, if you are changing the IP address, you might want to include the new IP address of the Linux server in the system broadcast.

6.3.1 Copying the Archive Store and Archive Indexes

  1. From the NetWare or Windows server, stop the Messaging Agent and Archive Agent.

    For information on starting the Messaging Agent, see Starting the Messaging Agent in the Novell Messenger 2.0 Administration Guide.

    For information on starting the Archive Agent, see Starting the Archive Agent in the Novell Messenger 2.0 Administration Guide.

  2. From the Linux server, verify that the Messaging and Archive Agents are stopped. If they are running, stop both agents.

  3. From the Linux server, copy the Archive Store and Archive Indexes from the NetWare or Windows server to the Linux server.

    For example you could use the following command from a terminal window:

    cp -r /mnt/nwserver/SYS/Novell/NM/aa/store/ /var/opt/novell/messenger/aa/

    The following table displays the default store location for each operating system:

    Operating System

    Default Location







  4. If the user that the Messenger agents on the Linux server will run as is not root, you need to change the ownership of the files to the Messenger user. To change the ownership of the files, use the following command in a terminal window:

    chown -R gwmsgr:gwmsgr /var/opt/novell/messenger/aa/store

6.3.2 Copying the Archive Queue

  1. From the NetWare or Windows server, stop the Messaging Agent and Archive Agent.

  2. From the Linux server, verify that the Messaging and Archive Agents are stopped. If they are running, stop both agents.

  3. From the Linux server, copy the Archive Queue from the NetWare or Windows server to the Linux server.

    For example you could use the following command from a terminal window:

    cp -r /mnt/nwserver/SYS/Novell/NM/aa/queue /var/opt/novell/messenger/aa/queue

    The following table displays the default store location for each operating system:

    Operating System

    Default Location







  4. If the user that the Messenger agents on the Linux server will run as is not root, you need to change the ownership of the files to the Messenger user. To change the ownership of the files, use the following command in a terminal window:

    chown -R gwmsgr:gwmsgr /var/opt/novell/messenger/aa/queue

6.3.3 Copying the Messaging Queue

  1. From the NetWare or Windows server, stop the Messaging Agent and Archive Agent.

  2. From the Linux server, verify that the Messaging and Archive Agents are stopped. If they are running, stop both agents.

  3. From the Linux server, copy the Messaging Queue from the NetWare or Windows server to the Linux server.

    For example you could use the following command from a terminal window:

    cp -r /mnt/nwserver/SYS/Novell/NM/ma/queue /var/opt/novell/messenger/ma/queue

    The following table displays the default store location for each operating system:

    Operating System

    Default Location







  4. If the user that the Messenger agents on the Linux server will run as is not root, you need to change the ownership of the files to the Messenger user. To change the ownership of the files, use the following command in a terminal window:

    chown -R gwmsgr:gwmsgr /var/opt/novell/messenger/ma/queue

6.3.4 Copying the Archive Agent Log Files

  1. From the NetWare or Windows server, stop the Messaging Agent and Archive Agent.

  2. From the Linux server, verify that the Messaging and Archive Agents are stopped. If they are running, stop both agents.

  3. From the Linux server, copy the Archive Agent log files from the NetWare or Windows server to the Linux server.

    For example you could use the following command from a terminal window:

    cp -r /mnt/nwserver/SYS/Novell/NM/aa/logs /var/opt/novell/log/messenger/aa

    The following table displays the default store location for each operating system:

    Operating System

    Default Location







  4. If the user that the Messenger agents on the Linux server will run as is not root, you need to change the ownership of the files to the Messenger user. To change the ownership of the files, use the following command in a terminal window:

    chown -R gwmsgr:gwmsgr /var/opt/novell/log/messenger/aa

6.3.5 Copying the Messaging Agent Log Files

  1. From the NetWare or Windows server, stop the Messaging Agent and Archive Agent.

  2. From the Linux server, verify that the Messaging and Archive Agents are stopped. If they are running, stop both agents.

  3. From the Linux server, copy the Messaging Agent log files from the NetWare or Windows server to the Linux server.

    For example you could use the following command from a terminal window:

    cp -r /mnt/nwserver/SYS/Novell/NM/ma/logs /var/opt/novell/log/messenger/ma

    The following table displays the default store location for each operating system:

    Operating System

    Default Location







  4. If the user that the Messenger agents on the Linux server will run as is not root, you need to change the ownership of the files to the Messenger user. To change the ownership of the files, use the following command in a terminal window:

    chown -R gwmsgr:gwmsgr /var/opt/novell/log/messenger/ma