12.1 Setting Up Sharing

Before any sharing can happen, it must first be enabled at the Filr system level. After that, the system-level settings define the upper limit of sharing that can be enabled at lower levels.

After sharing is enabled for the system, sharing of My Files is automatically available up to the limits granted at the system level. Sharing files from Net Folders must be enabled on an individual Net Folder basis.

12.1.1 System-Level Sharing Must Be Set Up First

The Filr Administrative Console provides access the Share Settings dialog. Some Filr administrators prefer to enable sharing and set its upper limits on an individual-user and individual-group basis. Others prefer to enable sharing at a global level by leveraging the All Internal Users and All External Users groups.

In the first case, My Files sharing will be limited to only those users and groups that have sharing enabled at the system level. In the second case, all internal and external users will have My Files sharing enabled.

In both cases, Net Folder sharing must be configured for each Net Folder individually.

Figure 12-2 Setting Up System-Level Sharing Rights

12.1.2 My Files Sharing Is Automatic

After sharing is enabled at the system level for users individually or as members of groups, then if those users have personal storage enabled, they can share their files and folders within the limitations set for the system.

Figure 12-3 My Files Share Settings

12.1.3 Net Folder Sharing Must Be Explicitly Allowed At Two Levels

Sharing must be enabled and maximum sharing rights specified at the system level for users individually or as members of groups.

Next, before the users or groups can share files in their assigned Net Folders, they must have sharing enabled and rights assigned on those Net Folders.

When enabling Net Folder access for a user or group, a Filr administrator can only assign up to the maximum sharing rights that are set at the system level.

In Figure 12-4, user red can only be assigned sharing rights that are allowed at the system level.

Figure 12-4 An Example of Net Folder Sharing