For any number of reasons, user home directories tend to vary in their rights assignments. Varied rights assignments are also common among group storage areas. Improper rights settings can affect capabilities within Filr. For example, if a home directory has only Read and File Scan rights, a user won’t be able to modify and save files. You should therefore ensure the rights to these directories are correct.
You can ensure or correct home directory rights by doing the following:
Use the Consistency Check report you ran previously to examine home directory file rights. If the rights are not correct, follow the steps below.
Establish the rights settings for all home directories in the Home Folder policy.
Perform an Apply Rights Management Action.
You can ensure or correct group directory rights by doing the following:
Use the Consistency Check report that you ran previously to examine group directory file rights. If the rights are not correct, follow the steps below.
Establish the rights settings for all home directories in the Collaborative Storage policy.
Perform an Apply Rights Management Action.