When you deploy Filr, it creates a Net Folder server for each home directory syntax type. For example, if home directory attributes in an organization vary among the following syntaxes, Filr creates a Net Folder server for each type:
You would then need to configure Filr for each of these syntaxes.
A much better approach is to standardize on one syntax type. This reduces the number of Net Folder servers Filr has to create and manage. This approach also cuts the time you need to spend configuring the different types of syntaxes.
Using Novell Storage Manager, you can standardize all home directory file structure syntaxes by doing the following:
Run a Consistency Check report on the network storage to determine settings inconsistencies.
Create a Home Folder policy.
Establish the managed path (the correct home directory attribute syntax) within the policy.
Perform an Assign Managed Path Management Action.
You can also standardize all group directory (referred to as “collaborative storage” with Novell Storage Manager) file structure syntaxes by doing the following:
Use the Consistency Check report that you ran previously to determine inconsistencies in group storage directories.
Create a Collaborative Storage policy.
Establish the managed path with the policy.
Perform an Assigned Managed Path Group Action.
Establish the managed path within the policy.