ZENworks for Desktops Remote Management

Remote Management lets you remotely manage workstations (called managed workstations) from the remote management console.

This section contains the following information:

What Operations Can Be Performed with Remote Management?

Remote Management lets you

Installing Remote Management

Remote Management requires elements installed on both the ZENworks Server and user workstations. This section provides links to more information where you can learn about both.

Installing on the Back End

Remote Management files and programs are installed on a network server when you install the ZENworks Desktop Management software. You need to choose the Remote Management in the installation wizard to install this component.

For more information, see "Desktop Management Server Installation Procedure" in the Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management Installation Guide.

Installing on Workstations

Remote Management is installed on a user workstation when you install the Novell Client with Remote Management options selected. The component is then appropriately updated when you install it with the Desktop Management Agent installation program, selecting the Remote Management feature.

HINT:  You can also install the Mirror Driver option if you want to provide video adapter independence and coexistence with other remote control solutions.

Installing Remote Management on the workstation puts the Remote Management Agent in place, making remote operations possible when the managed workstation reboots.

For detailed prerequisites and instructions for installing the Novell Client, see "Installing Novell Clients" in the Novell Client for Windows Installation and Administration Guide.

For more information about installing the Desktop Management Agent, see "Installing and Configuring the Desktop Management Agent" in the Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management Installation Guide.