2.16 Command Line Utilities

NetWare 6.5 provides the following command line utilities:

2.16.1 ARP

Manipulates the system ARP cache. To use this utility, enter the following at the server console:

arp [-n] -i interface_name   hostname
arp [-n] -aarp -d -i interface_name hostname 
arp -d -aarp -s -i interface_name hostname   ether_addr [temp]arp -S -i interface_name hostname   ether_addr [temp]arp -f filename


Configures network interface parameters. To use this utility, enter the following at the server console:

ifconfig interface_name [create]   [address_family]   [address[/prefixlength]]   [parameters] ifconfig interface_name destroy ifconfig -a [-d] [-u]   [address_family]
ifconfig -l [-d] [-u] [address_family] 

2.16.3 NETSTAT

Prints network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, and protocol statistics. To use this utility, enter the following at the server console:

netstat [-aLn] [-f address_family]netstat [-rn] [-f address_family]netstat [-bdi] [-I interface] -w wait
netstat [-p protocol]
netstat [-s] [-f address_family] [-i] [-I interface_name]

2.16.4 NWPING

Sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. To use this utility, enter the following at the server console:

nwping [-afnq] [-c count] [-i wait] [-l preload] [-p pattern] [-s packetsize] [-S src_addr] [host] 

2.16.5 NWTRACE

Prints the routes that packets take to reach the network host. To use this utility, enter the following at the server console:

nwtrace [-Snrv] [-g gw_host] [-M min_ttl] [-m max_ttl] [-p port] [-q nqueries] [-s src_addr] [-w waittime] host [packetlen] 


This utility can be used to manually manipulate the routing tables. To use this utility, enter the following on the server console:

route route [-nqv] command [[modifiers] args] route [-n] monitor route [-n] flush [family] 

2.16.7 WHOIS

Provides the internet domain name and network number directory service. To use this utility, enter the following at the server console:

whois [-adgimpQrR6] [-h host] name 

HINT:For additional help on any of these commands use [command] -help option at the server console. For example, arp -help.