A.3 %if

A.3.1 Syntax

%if condition then action

Conditional logic

== != > >= <<=


loaded set env search nlminfo


cmd set env


numerical: such as decimal (0) or hex (0x...)

text: Make sure the text is surrounded with double quotes. For example,


For More Information

Type help %if condition|action

A.3.2 Examples

loaded Condition

%if !loaded portal then cmd load portal %if loaded nlmName&nlmName then env iamalive=1 %if loaded !nlmName&nlmName then cmd busy.ncf

set Condition\Action

%if set "allow lip"=="on" then set "allow lip"="off" %if set "alert message nodes">20 then cmd more.ncf

env Condition\Action

%if env %name=="nlm" then cmd load nlm %if env %name>=5 then set "more nodes"=50

search Condition

%if !loaded portal then cmd load portal

%if search * == "c:\dos" then cmd echo c:\dos is an active search path %if search 1 == "sys:\system" then env my_load_path="sys:\system" %if search 1 != "sys:\public" then cmd #search path using bad load are

nlminfo Condition

%if nlminfo nlmname:major==5 then cmd replace nlmname %if nlminfo nlmname:minor<5 then cmd next.ncf %if nlminfo nlmname:rev>5 then env aok=1 %if nlminfo nlmname:month>=6 then cmd unload nlmname %if nlminfo nlmname:day<15 then cmd unload nlmname %if nlminfo nlmname:year==2001 then set "my set"=2001 %if nlminfo nlmname:lang!=4 then cmd badlang.ncf %if nlminfo nlmname:loadpath=="sys:\system" then cmd reload.ncf

cmd Action

%if env %name=="nlm" then cmd load nlm %if env %name>=5 then set "more nodes"=50

%if set "allow lip"=="on" then cmd echo allow lip is on %if env major<6 then cmd down