1.110 NSS

Use the Novell Storage Services (NSS) console commands to do the following:

1.110.1 Using NSS

For online Help for the NSS console commands, enter the following at the server console:

nss /help or nss /? opens the NSS console Help facility.

The interface returns a list of NSS commands, each with a brief definition and any constraints such as the default value, a range of valid values, and persistence information.

Default Value

The default value is the setting used for a given server configuration parameter unless you modify it for your particular implementation. Default values are the best choice for a majority of server configurations, but you should review the settings as you fine-tune the server.

Range of Valid Values

The range of valid values establishes the constraints for any particular variable setting.


If a command's setting is persistent, the values you set remain in effect for the server through any subsequent server reboots until you next modify the settings. If a command is not persistent, the setting remains in effect only until the next server reboot.

Load Commands

NSS provides the following startup commands. Startup commands are only valid when NSS is loading.

Issuing NSS Startup Commands while OES NetWare Boots

NSS Startup commands can run as part of the OES NetWare c:\nwserver\server.exe command by using the -z option. However, these commands are not persistent through a server reboot; you must enter them each time you boot your server.

At the server command line, enter

server -z“/parameter=value

In the above example, the -z tells the server to look for specific NSS startup commands. The information in quotes is the actual command with command values, if any. For example:

server -z“CDDVD”

Making NSS Startup Commands Persist through an OES NetWare Reboot

NSS Startup commands issued at the command line during a server boot do not persist through a server reboot. To make non-persistent command settings persist automatically through a server reboot, place the commands in the nssstart.cfg file, which NSS reads on startup.

  1. In a text editor, create a file called nssstart.cfg in the c:\nwserver directory.

  2. Enter any NSS startup commands that you want to persist through server reboots.

    Each NSS command should be preceded by a forward slash (/) and followed with a space. For example:

    /numworktodos=40 /cddvd /dosfat

  3. Save and close your c:\nwserver\nssstart.cfg file.

Startup Commands




If it is specified in the nssstart.cfg file, loads the cddvd.nss module that is essential for CD, DVD, and Macintosh support.


If it is specified in the nssstart.cfg file, loads only default NSS NLM™ programs and any additional LSS modules specified on the command line.


If it is specified in the nssstart.cfg file, loads only those modules that are essential for accessing FAT 16 and FAT 12 drives. NetWare does not support FAT 32 drives.


If it is specified in the nssstart.cfg file, it loads all LSS modules.


If it is specified in the nssstart.cfg file, it does not load the LSS modules.


Sets the number of asynchronous I/O entries to allocate.

[Default=2048; Range=4 to 65536]


Sets the number of bond entries to allocate.

[Default=5000; Range=512 to 2097152]


If used in the nssstart.cfg file, sets the number of WorkToDo entries. Entries can execute concurrently.

NSS uses WorkToDo entries for tasks such as flushing file metadata to disk in the background. Increasing the number of WorkToDo entries might be useful on a system that is heavily used. NSS always reserves 20 WorkToDo entries.

[Default=50; Range=5 to 100]


If it is specified in the nssstart.cfg file, loads only those modules that are essential for zLSS support.

Status Commands

NSS provides the following commands to show the status of various NSS parameters. To view a complete list, use the nss /help command.




Lists the current NSS status information.


Lists all of the NSS pools that are currently available on the server.


Displays load-time policies for pools on the server.


Lists all of the NSS volumes that are currently mounted and active, including the Admin volume.


Lists the amount of space on active pools and their associated volumes.


Lists the amount of available space that has not been assigned to a pool.

nss /StorageAlertMessages

Enables NSS to send Low Storage messages to all users. [Default=On]

nss /NoStorageAlertMessages

Disables NSS from sending Low Storage messages to all users.


Display the NSS Compression Statistics GUI.


Shows the caching statistics for buffers.


Shows the caching statistics for file system objects.


Shows the caching statistics for names.


Resets caching and file statistics.

nss /ErrorCode=code

Translates and describes the specified error code.

nss /GetMFLStatus=volume

Shows the modified file list status for the specified volume.


Lists the providers, loadable storage subsystems, and semantic agents.


Displays the version information for NSS.

Maintenance Commands

NSS provides the following maintenance for pools and volumes. To view a complete list, use the nss /help command.



nss /BackgroundChecking

Enables the background file system checker.


nss /NoBackgroundChecking

Disables the background file system checker.


Force background file system checking to start.

nss /FixDirectoryQuotas=volume

Recomputes used space for directory quotas for the specified volume.

nss /FixMFL

Repairs the modified file list to be consistent with the file system.

nss /MFL=volume

Enables modified file list maintenance for the specified volume.

nss /NoMFL=volume

Disables modified file list maintenance for the specified volume.

nss /MFLVerify=volume

Compares the modified file list with the specified volume and reports any inconsistencies.

nss /IncludeType=type

Include pools of the specified type for the given command. Possible types are SHARED, CORRUPT, and QUESTIONS.

nss /OverrideType=type

Override pools of the specified type for the given command. Possible types are SHARED, CORRUPT, and QUESTIONS.


Shows all of the currently available NSS pools.

nss /PoolAutoDisplay

Displays current pool load time policies.

nss /PoolAutoActivate=pool

Activates specified pools at load time.

nss /PoolAutoDeactivate=pool

Leaves specified pools deactivated at pool load time.

nss /PoolAutoMaintenance=pool

Places specified pools in maintenance mode at pool load time.

nss /PoolAutoVerify

Verifies the specified pool's physical integrity at startup time. (NetWare)

nss /PoolRebuild=pool

Rebuilds the specified pools. (NetWare)


Select the pools to rebuild from a menu, then it rebuilds them. (NetWare)

nss /PoolVerify=pool

Verifies the physical integrity of the specified pool. (NetWare)


Allows you to select pools from a menu and verifies their physical integrity. (NetWare)

nss /VolumeActivate=volume

Activates the specified NSS volume.

nss /VolumeDeactivate=volume

Deactivates the specified NSS volume.

nss /VolumeAutoActivate=volume

Activates the specified volume at load time.

nss /VolumeAutoDeactivate=volume

Deactivates the specified volume at load time.

nss /ForceActivate=volume

Forces an NSS volume to become active.


Displays the current volume's load time policies.

nss /VolumeMaintenance=volume

Places a specified volume into maintenance mode. Volumes can be put in maintenance mode, but maintenance occurs only at the storage pool level.

nss /UpgradeObjectsOnVolume

Upgrades objects on volumes to the current version.

System Volume Recovery Commands (NetWare)

NSS provides the following commands for recovering the system volume on NetWare. To view a complete list, use the nss /help command.



nss /ChangeSysQuota=size

Lets you change the quota (in MB) for the sys: volume. Setting this value to zero sets the Quota to none and allows the sys: volume to grow to the size of the pool.

nss /ExpandSys

Lets you expand the pool that contains your sys: volume. When prompted, enter the partition ID of the free space you plan to use to expand the pool. You can obtain the partition ID of all free partitions by using the /ListFreeSpace command.

nss /ListFreeSpace

Lists all free partitions and NSS partitions that have not been assigned to a pool. Use this command to obtain the partition ID required when using the /ExpandSYS command.

nss /RenameToSys

Lets you rename the sys: volume back to sys: if you have previously renamed it. At the prompt, enter the name of the volume you want to rename to sys:.

nss /SalvageSys

Lets you restore the sys: volume if you have deleted it (only if it has not yet been purged).

Compression Commands

NSS offers the following commands for configuring and monitoring compression. To view a complete list, use the nss /help command.




Displays the NSS volume compression statistics on the compression screen.

nss /Compression=volume

Enables the Compression attribute for the specified volume. After you enable the Compression attribute, the setting persists for the life of the volume. You cannot disable compression, but you can set parameters to effectively turn it off.

nss /Compression=all

Enables the Compression attribute for all volumes on the server.


Stops all queued compression for files, based on the compression triggered by a file open or close.

nss /BGCompression

Allows compression to occur in the background at any time, instead of only within specified hours.

nss /NoBGCompression

Stops background compression and clears any queued background compression requests. Allow compression to occur only within the specified hours.

Encryped Volume Support Commands (NetWare)

You can use NSS console commands to display volume status and to activate, mount, deactivate, or dismount encrypted volumes. You must enter a password only on the first activation following a system reboot. Thereafter, other environmental security and authentication measures control access to user data.

The following table provides the syntax for NSS commands to use with encrypted volumes. You can use this syntax to activate an encrypted volume from the console command line prompt or in a script file. In each case, replace volname with the name of the encrypted NSS volume. In general, you cannot use the wildcard option of “all” as the volname. Until an encrypted volume is activated with its password following each system reboot, the All option does not find the volume and does not execute the command. The system returns an error message, requesting more information.

Replace volpassword with the password you used when you created the encrypted volume. If the password is not supplied, and a corresponding key is not found in memory, NSS prompts for the password at the command line.


Use To

nss /activate=volname:volpassword

Activate the encrypted NSS volume the first time after a system reboot.

nss /activate=volname

If prompted, enter volpassword for the encrypted volume.

Activate the encrypted NSS volume in two steps.

The password is required only on the first activation following a system reboot.

nss /volumeactivate=volname:volpassword

Activate the encrypted NSS volume the first time after a system reboot.

nss /activate=all

Activate all encrypted NSS volumes that have been previously activated with their passwords.

nss /volumes

View the status of an encrypted and non-encrypted NSS volumes.

The encrypted volume returns a status of Encrypted.

mount volname

Mount an encrypted or non-encrypted NSS volume.

The mount command is usable for encrypted volumes only after a previous activate with password. Otherwise, it returns an error message, requesting more information.

mount all

Activate and mount all encrypted NSS volumes that have been previously activated with their passwords.

Encrypted NSS volumes that were not previously activated return an error message, requesting more information.

You cannot use wildcard options and commands to activate encrypted volumes, such as nss /VolumeAutoActivate.

SALVAGE and PURGE Commands

Both PURGE and SALVAGE commands are supported and behave almost the same in NSS as in previous versions of NetWare.

The SALVAGE command for the traditional NetWare file system and previous releases of NetWare was either turned on or off for the whole file system. In NSS, you can turn SALVAGE on or off for each NSS volume.

Use SALVAGE at the server console as follows:



nss /Salvage=volume/all

Enables salvage of deleted files on volumes. Volume enables the Salvage command on the specified NSS volume on the specified server. All enables the Salvage command on all NSS volumes on the specified server.

nss /NoSalvage=volume/all

Disables salvage of deleted files on volumes. Volume disables the Salvage command on the specified NSS volume on the specified server. All disables the Salvage command on all NSS volumes on the specified server.

NSS offers the following commands for tuning the purging processes for a volume. To view a complete list, use the nss /help command.



nss /LogicalVolumePurgeDelay=value

The number of seconds before deleted logical volumes are purged. This allows time to reverse the deletion.


nss /LogicalVolumePurgeDelayAfterLoad

The number of seconds after NSS loads before deleted logical volumes are purged. This allows time to reverse the deletion.


nss /LogicalVolumePurgeDelayAfterContinue= value

The number of seconds to delay purging a logical volume after clicking Continue. After a volume starts to purge, it cannot be salvaged.


nss /PoolHighWaterMark=<poolname>:Percent

Purging begins in the salvage area when the volume's low watermark is reached and continues until its high watermark is reached. When enough files are purged such that the free disk space increases to a percentage equal to or greater than the high watermark, the autopurge stops. Autopurging does not start again until free space again drops below the low watermark.

The high and low watermarks must be at least 2% apart from each other.

[Default=20; Range=2 to 100]

nss /PoolLowWaterMark=<poolname>:Percent

Purging begins in the salvage area when the volume's low watermark is reached and continues until its high watermark is reached. When free disk space falls below a low watermark, NSS begins autopurging the salvage area.

The high and low watermarks must be at least 2% apart from each other.

[Default=10; Range=0 to 98]

Read Ahead Commands

NSS offers the following Read Ahead commands for tuning your storage solution. To view a complete list, use the nss /help command.



nss /AllocAheadBlks=value

Sets the number of blocks to allocate ahead on writes.

[Default=15; Range=0 to 63]

nss /ReadAheadBlks=VolName:Count

Specify VolName as the name of the volume that you are setting the attribute for. Specify the Count to be the number of 4 KB blocks that you want to NSS to read ahead. The default block count is 2 blocks, which satisfies the performance requirements for a typical volume. The valid range for a block count is 0 blocks to 1024 blocks, where a block count of zero (0) implies no read ahead. However, 128 blocks is the practical maximum.

Read-ahead block counts higher than 128 can starve other system components for memory or buffers, which can impair performance or cause the system to hang. As the number of concurrent connections to unique files increase, you should reduce the number of read-ahead blocks.

[Default=2; Maximum=1024; Practical maximum=128]

Cache Balancing Commands (NetWare)

NSS provides commands to balance the cache for NSS on NetWare.

WARNING:If you give NSS more memory than you allow for the server, NSS fails to load. Your NSS-based sys: volume becomes inoperable until you load the c:\nwserver\server.exe with an NSS override to correct the situation. For information, see Load Commands.



nss /CacheBalance=value

Enables the dynamic balancing of free memory for the NSS buffer cache. Sets the specified percentage of free kernel memory that NSS uses for its buffer cache. [Default=85; Range=1 to 99]

nss /NoCacheBalance

Disables the dynamic balancing of free memory for the NSS buffer cache.

nss /MinBufferCacheSize=value

Sets the specified minimum number of NSS buffer cache entries. [Default=512; Range=384 to 1048576]

nss /MinOSBufferCacheSize=value

Sets the specified minimum number of NetWare buffer cache entries. [Default=256; Range=256 to 1048576]

nss /NameCacheSize=value

Sets the specified maximum number of Name cache entries. [Default=100000; Range=17 to 1000000]

nss /CacheUserMaxPercent=value

Sets the specified maximum percentage of buffer cache that can be used for user data. [Default=80; Range=10 to 100]

nss /ClosedFileCacheSize=value

Sets the number of closed files that can have their beast objects cached in memory. On average, each Closed File Cache entry consumes 0.4 - 1KB of RAM.

[Default=50000; Range=16 to 1000000; Recommended=100000]


Shows the caching statistics for buffers.


Shows the caching statistics for file system objects.


Shows the caching statistics for names.


Resets caching and file statistics.

nss /FlushFilesImmediately=volume

Synchronously flush data to the specified volume when its files are closed instead of waiting for the next scheduled write of data to the volume.

nss /NoFlushFilesImmediately=volume

Disables synchronously flushing files to the specified volume when its files are closed. Instead, data is written to the volume on the next scheduled write of data to the volume.

nss /FileFlushTimer=value

Sets the flush time in seconds for writing data to modified open files. Increasing this number might reduce the number of writes to disk; however, it increases the amount of data that is lost if the system crashes.

[Default=10 seconds; Range=1 to 3600 seconds]

nss /IDCacheResetInterval

Set the number of seconds between invalidation of the ID cache. [Default=90000 Range=0-200000000]

Commands for Mounting CDs and DVDs as NSS Volumes (NetWare)

Cddvd.nss is loaded automatically on startup by default. Use the following commands to manage CDs, DVDs, and Macintosh CDs as NSS volumes on Netware.

NOTE:The cddvd.nss module replaces cdrom.nlm and cd9660.nss for CD support, udf.nss for DVD support, and cdhfs.nss for Macintosh CD support. The following commands for cddvd.nss are the same ones used for previous CD and DVD management modules.




If CDDVD is specified in the nssstart.cfg file, loads only those modules essential for CD and DVD support.

nss /(No)LeaveCDinNDS

If the switches UpdateCDToNDS or LoginUpdateCDToNDS is enabled, enable this switch to retain the CD or DVD volume objects when the actual disks are removed.


nss /(No)LoadISOVolumeFirst

If this switch is enabled, tries to load UDF-bridge CD as and ISO9660 volume first. By default, a UDF-bridge CD is loaded as DVD format first and CD format second.


nss /(No)LockCDMediaIn

If this switch is enabled, whenever CDs or DVDs are activated or deactivated as NSS volumes, locks or unlocks the media in the device.


nss /(No)UpdateCDToNDS

If this switch is enabled, whenever CDs or DVDs are activated or deactivated as NSS volumes, updates their Novell eDirectory objects.


nss /(No)LoginUpdateCDToNDS

If this switch is enabled, whenever CDs or DVDs are activated or deactivated as NSS volumes, updates their Novell eDirectory objects. You must login as admin.


nss /(No)MountISODiscSetInOneVolume

If this switch is enabled, cddvd.nss attempts to load an ISO9660 multiple-disk set as a single NSS volume. This volume is not mounted until all disks among the set are available to cddvd.nss.

If this switch is disabled, cddvd.nss mounts each disk in the set as one individual NSS volume.


Commands for CD and DVD Image Files as NSS Volumes (NetWare)

Cddvd.nss is loaded automatically on startup by default. Cddvd.nss provides the following commands for adding and removing CD and DVD image files as NSS Volumes.

While the CD or DVD image source file is loaded as an NSS volume, the following actions cause the image file to be removed as an NSS volume:

  • Any file operations on the image source file, such as open, read, or write

  • Deactivation of the NSS volume where the image source file resides



nss /MountImageVolume=path_imagefilename

Adds and mounts the specified CD or DVD image file as a read-only NSS volume.

Replace path_imagefilename with the path on the NSS volume where the image file resides, including its filename. For example:

  • nss /MountImageVolume=nssvol:\suse9_1.iso

nss /RemoveImageVolume=path_imagefilename

Dismounts and removes the specified CD or DVD image file as a read-only NSS volume.

Replace path_imagefilename with the path on the NSS volume where the image file resides, including its filename. For example:

  • nss /RemoveImageVolume=nssvol:\suse9_1.iso

DOS FAT Commands (NetWare)

NSS provides the following commands for managing DOS FAT partitions.




If DOSFAT is specified in the nssstart.cfg file, loads only those modules essential for accessing FAT 16 and FAT 12 drives. OES NetWare does not support FAT 32 drives.

nss /FATPartition=partition_type_number

Supports up to three additional partition types containing 16-bit FATs, such as /FATPartition=12,13.

nss /(No)FATLongNames

Enables long filenames on FAT volumes.


NOTE:DOSFAT supports only hard drives. DOSFAT does not support USB drives.

MSAP Commands

The management file for pool MSAP is _admin\manage_nss\pool\poolname\zlss\msap.xml. One file exists for each pool. This file contains MSAP statistics for the pool. The MSAP attribute is displayed in the enabledAttributes tag of the poolinfo.xml management file.

For manage.cmd, the pool operation getPoolInfo returns the MSAP tag (<msap>) in the supportedAttributes tag (<supportedAttributes>) and the enabledAttributes tag (<enabledAttributes>).

For APIs, the pool feature zpool_feature_msap can be viewed and controlled using the zGetInfo and zModifyInfo commands.

MSAP Console Command


nss /msapserver

Enables MSAP for all the pools on the server. By default, MSAP is enabled for every pool on the server. We recommend that you never disable MSAP.

nss /nomsapserver

Disables MSAP for all the pools on the server. This command remains in effect only until the server is next rebooted. We recommend that you never disable MSAP.

nss /msaprebuild

Rebuilds a corrupt MSAP block. Before issuing the command to rebuild, you must deactivate the pool because a corrupt MSAP prevents a pool from going into Maintenance state. Rebuilding an MSAP block does not give the rebuilder ownership of the pool.

nss /poolmsap=pool

Enables MSAP for a given pool on the server. MSAP is enabled the next time the pool is activated. (Enter the command, deactivate the pool, then activate the pool. MSAP is now enabled.)

nss /nopoolmsap=pool

Disables MSAP for a given pool. Use the command when the pool is activated. MSAP is disabled the next time the pool is activated. (Enter the command, deactivate the pool, then activate the pool. MSAP is now disabled.)

nss /pools

Displays the message “Multi-use detect” for pools that have MSAP enabled.

Multipath Connection Failover Commands (NetWare)

NSS provides the following Media Manager commands for managing multipath connection failover.

Media Manager Multipath I/0 Console Command


list failover devices device_id

This command lists all of the failover devices. It also lists all the paths associated with each device, their assigned priorities, and the path that is selected.

To list the paths associated with all the devices on the server, enter the command without specifying the device_id.

To list the paths associated with a given device, enter the command followed by the device_id.

mm set failover priority pathid=number

This command sets the priority level for the selected path. The pathid must be a valid path ID. The number is the priority to set for the selected path. The number must be a decimal integer value between 1 and 4 million, with 1 being the highest priority and 4 million being the lowest priority.

mm set failover priority pathid=number /insert

The /insert option inserts the specified path with its specified priority. For example, if you have four existing paths that are assigned the priorities of 1, 2, 3, and 4, and you enter a new path followed by a number 2 and the /insert option, then the paths that were previously assigned to 2, 3, and 4 priority are bumped to priority 3, 4, and 5 in order to accommodate the new path that has been assigned priority 2.

mm set failover state pathid=up /setpath

This command sets the state of the specified path to Up. The pathid must be a valid path ID.

If the Up option is followed by the /setpath option, NSS automatically selects the highest priority path from among all the paths that are in the Up state, including the new path.

mm set failover state pathid=down /setpath

This command enables you to designate a path to be in the Down state so you can perform preventative maintenance or reroute cables on a good, functional path. If the path is bad, NSS automatically moves the path to a Down state.

If the Down option is followed by the /setpath option, NSS automatically selects the highest priority path from among the other paths that are currently in the Up state.

mm set failover path pathid

This command activates the selected path as selected, which means it serves as the primary path. The pathid must be a valid path that is currently in the Up state. The priority of a path remains static regardless of whether a path is considered up or down or whether a path is selected or not selected as the primary path.

mm restore failover path device_id

This command forces the device to reselect the highest priority path that is online. The deviceid must be a valid device ID.

mm reset failover registry

This command resets the multipath settings in the operating system registry.

Pool Snapshot Commands (NetWare)

The following table shows the server console commands you can use to manage pool snapshots.

Snapshot Management Commands


mm snap create snappool datapool snapname

Creates a pool snapshot.

mm snap activate snapname

Activates a pool snapshot.

mm snap deactivate snapname

Deactivates a pool snapshot.

mm snap delete snapname

Deletes a pool snapshot.

mm snap rename snapname newsnapname

Renames the pool as specified.

mm snap list

Lists the snapshots on the server.

mm snap shred snapname = on

Turns on shredding for the internal volume of the pool where you are storing the specified snapshot.

If this option is enabled:

  • You can have only one snapshot at a time of its original pool.

  • After you delete the snapshot, allow enough time for the shredding process before you create a new one.

mm snap shred snapname = off

Turns off shredding for the internal volume of the pool where you are storing the specified snapshot.

If any pool snapshot was created on this pool prior to the NetWare 6.5 SP3 release, shredding is already turned on. Use this command to turn off shredding.

The following table shows the attribute descriptions for pool snapshot commands.

Attributes for Pool Snapshot Commands



The unique name of the original data pool that you are snapping; must be 2 to 16 characters.


The unique name of the stored-on pool for the pool snapshot; must be 2 to 16 characters.


The unique snap name of the pool snapshot, which is used as its pool name when the pool snapshot is activated; must be 2 to 16 characters.

Security Equivalence Vector Update Commands (Linux)

The Security Equivalence Vector (SEV) is calculated for each NSS user based on information in the user's profile in Novell eDirectory. It is a list of eDirectory GUIDs, for example:

  • the user's own GUIDs

  • GUIDs of groups that include the user

  • GUIDs of parent containers for the user and his or her groups

  • security equivalent GUIDs

The SEV is used to validate the user against the trustee rights of the directory and file the user is attempting to access.

After you boot the Linux server, when a user first attempts to connect to the NSS file system, NSS contacts Novell eDirectory to retrieve the user's Security Equivalence Vector (SEV). eDirectory calculates the user's effective rights for the NSS volume, creates the SEV, and passes it to NSS. NSS compares the user's SEV with file system trustees and trustee rights for the specified file or directory to determine if the user can access the resource.

NSS caches the SEV locally in the server memory, where it remains until the server is rebooted or unless the user is deleted from eDirectory. NSS polls eDirectory at a specified interval for updates to the SEVs that are in cache.

In contrast, for NetWare, whenever a user connects to the NSS file system, NetWare retrieves the user's SEV from eDirectory and maintains it as part of the connection structure for the user's session. NSS retrieves the user's SEV from the connection structure.

Command line switches are available in the NSS Console utility (nsscon) to enable or disable the update, to set the update interval from 5 minutes to 90 days (specified in seconds), and to force an immediate update of security equivalence vectors. Polling too frequently can impact performance. Polling too infrequently can cause delays in granting or restricting access to certain users.

NSSCON Command


nss /SecurityEquivalenceUpdating

Enables SEV updates to occur in the background in addtition to updates that occur when the system reboots. It is enabled by default.

To make it persistent, include the command in the /opt/novell/nss/conf/nssstart.cfg file.

nss /NoSecurityEquivalenceUpdating

Disables SEV updates to occur in the background. Instead, SEV updates occur only on system reboot.

To make it persistent, include the command in the /opt/novell/nss/conf/nssstart.cfg file.

nss /UpdateSecurityEquivalenceInterval=value

Sets the SEV update interval to the specified value in seconds. At the end of the elapsed time, NSS reaquires updated SEVs from eDirectory.

To make it persistent, include the command in the /opt/novell/nss/conf/nssstart.cfg file.

The default value is 7200 (2 hours). The valid range is 300 (5 minutes) to 7257600 (90 days).

nss /ForceSecurityEquivalenceUpdate

Forces the SEV update to occur immediately for all users in the NSS file system. Use this command if you modify a user's access control settings in eDirectory and want those changes to be reflected immediately in the user's active SEV for this server.

This command is invalid if used in the /opt/novell/nss/conf/nssstart.cfg file.

A unique abbreviation such as

nss /ForceS

also works.

Other NSS Commands

NSS provides these additional commands for managing pools and volumes. To view a complete list, use the nss /help command.



nss /NoClassicDirectoryQuotas

Turns emulation of Traditional NetWare volumes on or off.


nss /DataShredding=volume:count

Enables the Data Shredding attribute for the specified volume. Specify the number of times you want to shred data.

Data shredding overwrites purged files with bit patterns up to seven times. Unless you must use this feature for security reasons, it should be disabled, as data shredding consumes a great deal of disk I/O bandwidth.

[Default=1; Range=0 to 7, where 0 indicates no shredding]

nss /NoDataShredding=volume

Disables data shredding on the specified volume.

nss /DirectoryQuotas

Enables directory quotas on the volume.

nss /NoDirectoryQuotas

Disables directory quotas on the volume.

nss /FileCopyOnWrite

Creates a copy of files in the volume when they are open for write.

nss /NoFileCopyOnWrite

Does not create a copy of files on the volume when they are open for write.

nss /LVDeleteStatusBasic

Displays information about deleted logical volumes.

nss /LVDeleteStatusSalvagable

Displays information about salvagable logical volumes.

nss /Migration=volume/all

Enables migration of files on the volumes.

nss /NoMigration=volume/all

Disables migration of files on the volumes.

nss /StorageAlarmThreshold=value

Lets you set the threshold for a low storage space warning.

[Default=10; Range=0 to 1000000]

nss /(No)StorageAlertMessages

Turns On or Off the low storage message to users.


nss /StorageResetThreshold=value

Lets you reset the threshold for a low storage space warning.

[Default=10; Range=1 to 1000000]

nss /NoTransaction=volume/all

Disables transactional writes in files on the volumes.

nss /UserSpaceRestrictions

Enables user quotas on the volume.

nss /NoUserSpaceRestrictions

Disables user quotas on the volume.

nss /Transaction=volume/all

Enables transactional writes in files on the volumes.

nss /ZLSSIOStatus

Displays current NSS IO status information.

nss /ZLSSPendingWriteIOs

Number of write inputs dropped to the storage subsystem. (0 = all available)

[Default=1000; Range=0 to 3000]

nss /ZLSSPoolScan

Scans for and loads all ZLSS pools.

nss /ZLSSVolumeUpgrade

Allows the 5.x/ZLSS VolumeUpgrade to the NetWare 6 format to occur during the installation process.

1.110.2 Additional Information



Using commands and other management tools

NW 6.5 SP8: NSS File System Administration Guide