6.5 Upgrade Issues for OES 2 SP3

This section contains known issues for upgrading clusters from OES 2 SP2 Linux or earlier to OES 2 SP3.

6.5.1 Change in Reboot Behavior for the Tolerance Setting in ldncs

In OES 2 SP3, the Novell Cluster Services reboot behavior conforms to the kernel panic setting for the Linux operating system. By default the kernel panic setting is set for no reboot after a node shutdown.

During the upgrade, the $TOLERANCE setting is removed from the /opt/novell/ncs/bin/ldncs file. Any change you have made to the $TOLERANCE setting is lost after you update. You must manually set your preferred behavior by modifying the /etc/sysctl.conf file. For information, see Section 9.11, Preventing a Cluster Node Reboot after a Node Shutdown.

6.5.2 Support for SLES 10 SP4

Novell Cluster Services added support for OES 2 SP3 services and file systems on the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 10 SP4 operating system. You can upgrade to SLES 10 SP4 by using the move-to-sles10-sp4 patch in the SLES patch channel. After a cluster upgrade, all nodes in the cluster must be running on the same SLES 10 release with the latest patches applied.