12.2 Cleanup Objects

On completion of Transfer ID, some of the objects in eDirectory retain the temporary Linux server hostname. You can manually clean up the following objects from the target server. Even if the objects are not cleaned, they do not impact the working of the target server.

12.2.1 AFP

If you decide to delete the proxy username having the old hostname, you must recreate new proxy user using YaST.

  1. Using iManager delete the proxy user. The format of the proxy user is cn=afpProxyUser-<new_hostname>.<context_of_server>

  2. Using YaST, recreate the proxy user.

    yast2 novell-afp

12.2.2 CIFS

If you decide to delete the proxy username having the old hostname, you must recreate new proxy user using YaST.

  1. Using iManager delete the proxy user. The format of the proxy user is cn=cifsProxyUser-<new_hostname>.<context_of_server>

  2. Using YaST, recreate the proxy user.

    yast2 novell-cifs

12.2.3 eDirectory

Delete the following objects that are present with temporary Linux hostname:

  • SAS Service-<temporaryLinuxhostname>

  • DNS AG <temporaryLinuxhostname>

  • IP AG <temporary IP address-temporaryLinuxhostname>

  • SSL CertificateDNS-<temporaryLinuxhostname>

  • SSL CertificateIP-<temporaryLinuxhostname>

12.2.4 NSS

NSS Admin User Object

You must not delete the <old server hostname>admin user object from eDirectory. All the NSS management operations fail on deleting this admin user object.

If you plan to delete the admin user object having the old hostname, you must recreate the admin user object with new hostname:

  1. Delete <old server hostname>admin user object.

  2. Launch yast2 nss and recreate the admin object with new server hostname.

Pools and Volumes

The pools and volumes created on the Linux server before performing Transfer ID are associated with the old hostname, perform the following post Transfer ID:

  1. To update the source server’s volume object GUID references in the target NSS file system, run /opt/novell/migration/sbin/serveridswap/scripts/repair/volrepair.rb

  2. Using iManager, delete the pool and volume object containing the temporary Linux hostname name.

  3. (Conditional) If the target server contains pools or volumes which are not available on the source server, recreate these objects using Update NDS option from NSSMU.

12.2.5 iPrint

  1. To delete NDPSPrinter, NDPSManager and NDPSBroker objects, run /opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprintcleanup.pl script.

12.2.6 DHCP, FTP, NTP and iFolder

These services require no additional steps after Transfer ID.