11.7 Stopping a Running Policy

You can stop all currently running policies, or to stop an individual running policy. When a policy run begins, the policy is enforced on each of the shadow volumes that are specified in the policy’s Volume Selection parameter. Therefore, the stop command applies to all shadow volumes that are associated with the policy. It is not possible to stop the policy for only one of multiple associated shadow volumes.

It takes some time (several seconds to a few minutes) for a policy to stop gracefully. For each of its associated shadow volumes, the policy run stops after it completes the move for the file that is currently being moved. The list of files to be moved for each associated shadow volume is discarded.

You cannot restart the policy from the point where you stopped a policy run. The next time that the policy is started, it scans its associated shadow volumes to create new lists of files to be moved.

Use the procedures in this section to stop one or all of the currently running shadow volume policies.

11.7.1 Stopping All Running Shadow Volume Policies

The Stop all running policies option on the Dynamic Storage Technology Options page can be used to stop all currently running Shadow Volume storage policies. This option is available whether or not there are any currently running policies.

  1. In OES Remote Manager for Linux, select View File System, then select Dynamic Storage Technology Options to open the Dynamic Storage Technology Options page.

  2. Click Stop all running policies.

  3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to stop all currently running Shadow Volume storage policies.

    The status for each policy changes after its run is stopped gracefully for each of its associated shadow volumes.

11.7.2 Stopping a Running Individual Shadow Volume Policy

The Stop button on the View/Edit Shadow Volume Policy page can be used to stop a currently running individual Shadow Volume Policy rather than stopping all running policies. The Stop button is visible only while the policy is running.

  1. In OES Remote Manager for Linux, select View File System, then select Dynamic Storage Technology Options to open the Dynamic Storage Technology Options page.

  2. In the list of Dynamic Storage Technology Policies, click the Name link for the policy in order to view the policy.

  3. On the View/Edit Shadow Volume Policy page, scroll to the bottom of the page.

    If the policy is idle, the Stop button is not shown.

    If the policy is currently running, the Stop button is available.

  4. Click Stop.

  5. Click Yes to confirm that you want to stop the selected currently running Shadow Volume policy.

    The policy’s status changes after the run is stopped gracefully for each of its associated shadow volumes.